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Members of ARC and Sofia Alvarenga and Michael Griggs

Campus and Community Outreach

Campus and Community Outreach are essential aspects of CSUSB Project Rebound. Led by Program Coordinator Michael Griggs, MSW, we continually seek collaboration with partners on campus and in the community who share our mission and goals. We are committed to expanding educational and employment opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals who demonstrate the dedication required for a four-year degree.

Community College Partnerships

Since 2016, we have developed new relationships with local community colleges and universities, which have become fruitful places for recruitment. Individuals may encounter inquiries regarding their criminal record when engaging in the college application process and exploring financial aid programs. Project Rebound acknowledges the unique challenges faced by individuals with prior felony convictions when pursuing higher education. Recognizing the obstacles in securing an enrollment opportunity, our program strives to provide comprehensive support to facilitate admission to a 4-Year University. We aim to alleviate financial burdens through diligent resource allocation and empower each student on their educational journey.

Dr. Anderson and Michael Griggs Standing in front of the CSUSB signage

Correctional Facility Outreach

Led by our Executive Director, Dr. Annika Anderson, we partner with correctional facilities throughout the state as part of our outreach and recruitment efforts. We visit these facilities and educate inmates on the benefits of Project Rebound and encourage individuals to pursue their educational goals while incarcerated, if possible, and after their release. These institutions are another important place for recruitment for Project Rebound. Our dedicated staff and interns assist incarcerated individuals in transitioning into the college setting. Numerous incarcerated individuals have written to our program expressing interest in enrolling upon release.

Comprehensive Support Services

Project Rebound at CSUSB provides formerly incarcerated students with necessary wraparound resources—such as financial aid, meals, transportation, counseling, community, computer literacy, academic advising and tutoring, mentorship, and career development—to enable students to earn a baccalaureate degree and experience tremendous success in the job market. Recognizing that many of our students have histories of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse, as well as negative experiences in educational settings, we employ trauma-informed care strategies to respond to students with empathy and understanding.

Michael Griggs and Sofia Alvarenga

Enrollment Support

As social workers, our Program Coordinator, Michael Griggs, MSW, and Outreach Coordinator, Sofia Alvarenga, MSW, help guide potential individuals through enrollment. Those who are not eligible are advised about alternative options and given referrals. For example, suppose after examining their transcripts, an applicant is deemed not to have the 60 transferrable units needed for admittance into CSUSB. In that case, our staff will research feasible options for the individual to complete those units (i.e., correspondence courses or a community college near the individual's residence). We will also take the time to identify which courses the college offers that will fulfill our requirements and provide that information to the individual.