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Campus Resources

  • Women's Resource Center: The Women's Resource Center (WRC) provides support for students by offering a variety of programming which focuses on issues which affect the lives of women. The WRC is committed to addressing sexism and discrimination in all its forms in order to create a more just environment for all. The Santos Manuel Student Union Women's Resource Center exists to provide a supportive place for all women on campus where diversity is respected and celebrated. Our purpose is to encourage women by providing services and programs which will enhance their college experience and help them actualize their fullest potential. The WRC is a place for students to gather, to gain support, and learn tools for social change. 
    (909) 537-7203
  • Title IX and Gender Equity : The goal of the Title IX and Gender Equity Office is to provide the campus community with education, awareness, reporting options and meaningful assistance. To provide campus with information on the California State University Executive Orders 1096 & 1097 reporting procedures for Title IX incidents. Additionally, the goal is to help increase understanding on what constitutes sexual and interpersonal misconduct, consent, being an effective bystander, and what to do if you or your friend experience sexual or interpersonal misconduct.
  • Queer and Transgender Resource Center: The Queer and Transgender Resource Center provides education and advocacy in order to develop a more equitable and inclusive environment by addressing issues of homophobia and heterosexism throughout the campus community. To provide a platform for social justice as it is related to the rights of LGBTQIA and faculty as a safe comfortable and open academic environment for all persons on the CSUSB Campus. The Santos Manuel Student Union Queer and Transgender Resource Center serves the greater campus community, through education, advocacy and social justice. The QTR Center focuses on creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all university community members, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and intersex students and their allies. As well as educating and advocating on issues such as homophobia, heterosexism, inclusive language, and other sexual or gender identity issues.
    (909) 537-5963
  • Counseling and Psychological Center: (909) 537-5040 — Counselors 24/7 (for life threatening situations, call 911)
  • CSUSB's Policies website, for students.
  • Student Health Center: (909) 537-5241
  • University Ombuds Services: (909) 537-5635
  • University Police
    California State University, San Bernardino, University
    Police Department
    5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407-2393
    Phone (24 Hour): (909) 537-7777;
    Anonymous Hotline: (909) 537-7786