Employment during the MSPA Program
The MSPA Program strongly discourages any form of employment while enrolled as a MSPA student. This intensive graduate-level training requires full-time attendance during both the didactic and clinical phases. Outside work obligations will not be considered as acceptable excuses for poor performance or absence from any scheduled program activities. The CSUSB MSPA Program also does not allow students to work for the MSPA Program in a paid or volunteer capacity under any circumstances.
Soliciting Clinical Sites
Prospective and enrolled students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors. The CSUSB MSPA Program clinical team identifies, contacts, and evaluates all clinical sites to ensure that the site and preceptors are suitable for the program and students. However, students may suggest preceptors or clinical sites to the Director of Clinical Education (DCE) at least 6 months prior to the start of the clinical phase of the program. The clinical team will then apply the same process of contacting and evaluating the clinical site and preceptor to determine if they can provide clinical instruction aligned with the CSUSB MSPA Program goals and outcomes. If a clinical site or preceptor suggestion is approved by the DCE, an Affiliation Agreement, Clinical Site Profile, and Preceptor Profile must be completed prior to student participation at that site. Approval and scheduling of clinical sites and preceptors is the responsibility of CSUSB MSPA Program clinical team.
Advanced Standing
Credits from any prior course work cannot be used to provide advanced standing within the MSPA program. All admitted students must complete the full didactic and clinical phases of the CSUSB MSPA program to graduate. Therefore, the program does not accept transfers.