Janet L. Kottke and Kenneth S. Shultz (psychology) published a paper on “getting the word out” about I-O psychology, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the latest statistics that show a continuing increase in hate crimes.

Pablo Gomez (psychology) published a paper on whether the accent mark hinders lexical access, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the impact an Elon Musk-owned Twitter may have on hate speech, and how that may spur on hate crimes.

Research by Anna Ya Ni (public administration) was cited in an article supporting online learning, and Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote the second article in a nine-part series on “Success Without Surrender” for his “The Art of Living Free” for Psychology Today.

Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences), Breanna Putman (biology), Brian Levin (criminal justice), Angela Clark-Louque (education) and Vipin Gupta (management) were included in recent news coverage in areas of their expertise.

Paloma E. Villegas (sociology), Megan Carol (sociology), Bronson Lim (mathematics), Vipin Gupta (management), Connie McReynolds (education) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) recently shared their expertise in various news media outlets.

Eric Vogelsang (sociology) co-authored a paper on what social determinants motivate people to get the shingles vaccine, Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote the second part of his four-part series, “Is Life a Solo Journey?” and Brian Levin (criminal justice) continues to speak on the continuing surge of hate crimes against Asian Americans.

Meredith Conroy (political science) was interviewed for an article on how male politicians appear to be responding to personal controversy, Guillermo Escalante (kinesiology) co-authored a study on the explores relationship between hip extensor strength and hip flexor muscle length, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was quoted in an article about breaking patterns that lead to hate crimes.

In addition to the two published papers, Eric Vogelsang, who is also director of the Center on Aging at CSUSB, will make an online presentation at the Lewis School of Health Sciences at Clarkson University on Wednesday, March 24.

Tomasz Owerkowicz (biology) was part of a research team that found that alligators have built-in antiarrhythmic protection when under stress, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about the problem police have with trying to weed out extremists from their ranks.