Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) encouraged the business community to submit nominations for the 2023 Spirit of the Entrepreneur Awards, Enrique Murillo Jr. (education) wrote on the passing of activist Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, and Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the health of the region’s economy.

Edna Martinez has been named the associate vice president and administrator in charge of the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus.

“¡Ya Basta! – Enough is Enough!: Education and Violence in the Context of our Schools, Community Safety, and Law-Enforcement,” will take place Sept. 29 at Cal State San Bernardino.

Interest in Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs has been growing in the last two decades as a high-quality bilingual education response for all students, but especially for English learners.

The main goal of the collaboration between assistant professor Jordi Solsona-Puig’s class and the xREAL Lab was to integrate technology in the lesson planning, specifically the resources found through 3D and augmented reality (AR) from an equitable approach to designing learning experiences.

Designed, created and installed by students, “Eternal Learning” consists of 850 square feet of ceramic tile that depicts humans at work, study and play among larger-than-life books. The project took five years to make with the help of 20 CSUSB students.

Alison Ragguette (art and design) discussed the installation of “Eternal Learning” at the of James R. Watson and Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education, and Oraib Mango (world languages and literatures) collaborated with a local teacher for the upcoming an upcoming art exhibit.

The mural of ceramic will be formally introduced during a ceremony at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 3, at the college. The work was student-designed, student-created and student-installed.

Brian Levin (criminal justice), Stacey Fraser (music), Kristi Papailler (theatre arts) and Viktor Wang (education) were included in recent news coverage.