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CSUSB alumni and staff Coyote Cares Day volunteers prepare ingredients for jambalaya soup mix.
February 20, 2023

The Coyote Cares Day volunteers worked on campus packaging dry soup mix for the needy and also out in the field at a domestic violence shelter, a food bank and community centers.

Cherina Betters (right) is congratulated by CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales upon receiving her Ed.D. degree.
February 15, 2023

As chief of equity and access at San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Cherina Betters represents 33 school districts and more than 400,000 students.

Three CSUSB student volunteers at the 2022 Coyote Cares Day
February 10, 2023

CSUSB’s annual volunteer event, Coyote Cares Day, will be held on two days – Feb. 17 from 1-4:30 p.m., and Feb. 18 from 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.


CSUSB alumnus Pat Person, creator of the cartoon character Mista Pat.
February 8, 2023

Alumnus Pat Person created the character “Mista Pat” as a way to reach underrepresented school children to learn about science and other ESTEAM subjects in an entertaining yet instructive way.

Chemical Sciences building, Faculty in the News
January 27, 2023

Laura Woodney, Carol Hood and Matteo Crismani (physics and astronomy) were mentioned in article about their department’s new name, and Paloma Villegas (sociology) led a team that published a study on the stigma of food insecurity faced by college students in the Inland Empire.

Alumni HOF graphic
January 10, 2023

With alumni in all 50 states and 109 countries, the Alumni Hall of Fame Awards as a full university community recognizes the outstanding CSUSB graduates for their amazing work.

Campus art sculpture, Faculty in the News
December 15, 2022

Andrew Thompson (lecturer, art), Joanne Whitlock (Air Force ROTC), Brian Levin (criminal justice), Eric Koda (lecturer, art) and Guillermo Escalante (kinesiology) were included in recent news coverage.

About 200 CSUSB alumni gathered for the alumni mixer held at Grier Pavilion at the top of Riverside City Hall.
December 15, 2022

University President Tomás D. Morales thanked the alumni for attending the sixth annual alumni mixer, reminding them that that university was there for them.

Chemical Sciences bldg., Faculty in the News
December 7, 2022

Neal Malik (health science and human ecology) weighed in for an article on healthier options at fast-food restaurants, and William Van Dyke (lecturer, health science and human ecology) was a speaker at the Dec. 2 Day of Remembrance ceremony.