The documentary film included “1948, Creation and Catastrophe,” co-produced and co-directed by Ahlam Muhtaseb, CSUSB professor of communication studies, was listed in an article about the top five films to watch in Australia.
During a program at CSUSB on Oct. 9, photojournalists Nick Ut and Paul Roa discussed their careers, storytelling through journalism, the importance of a free press and the impact that every person can have on their community and the world.
Astrid Sheil, CSUSB professor of communication studies, attended an annual staff forum at IEDC-Bled School of Management in Bled, Slovenia, where she is currently a visiting professor.
The panel, with Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei, a Palestinian psychiatrist and director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Programs, and Liliana Conlisk-Gallegos, professor of communication studies, will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 13, in CE-105 at 6 p.m.
From art to music, theater to advertising, there are numerous forms of creative communication, and the CSUSB College of Arts and Letters gives students the tools to polish their own unique voice.
The documentary co-produced by Ahlam Muhtaseb, CSUSB professor of communication studies, and Andy Trimlett to be honored by Rebuilding Alliance’s Storytellers: Media & Education Award.
David Yaghoubian (history) discusses Iran's charges against Saudi Arabia, Ahlam Mutaseb's (communication studies) documentary is reviewed, and Kelly Campbell (psychology) offers advice on how to make friends as an adult.
The documentary film “1948: Creation and Catastrophe,” co-produced and co-directed by Ahlam Muhtaseb, CSUSB professor of communication studies, was screened and reviewed at Leeds 2018 Palestinian Film Festival.
The documentary film by Ahlam Muhtaseb (communication studies) is defended by a USC professor, and David Yaghoubian (history) comments on U.S. efforts to block the import of Iranian gas to Iraq.