Meredith Conroy (political science) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) share their expertise with the news media.
The journal, which is also available in print, is an annual publication of the university’s Alpha Delta Nu Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society, and is sponsored by the CSUSB Department of History.
Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science) is appointed to an advisory council by the prime minister of Ethiopia, and Meredith Conroy (political science) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) share their insights with the news media.
Kelly Campbell (psychology) is interviewed by a lifestyle news website on recognizing toxic relationships and what to do about them.
Francisca Beer (accounting and finance), Peter Robertshaw (anthropology), Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) share their expertise with the news media.
The study, written by Daniel MacDonald and Yasemin Dildar, assistant professors of economics, was awarded the 2017 Best Local Government Affairs Effort in the Government Affairs category by the National Association for Home Builders.
Brian Levin, CSUSB criminal justice professor and director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, is quoted in an article about President Trump’s promotion of a white-nationalist conspiracy theory involving South Africa.
Twenty-nine Cal State San Bernardino faculty members have been awarded promotions and/or tenure for the 2018-19 academic year, which will be in effect this September.
Francisca Beer (accounting and finance), Daniel MacDonald and Yasemin Dildar (economics), James Estes (finance), Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences), and Sheri Coulson (lecturer, psychology), are mentioned in news reports.