NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at  

‘Fire Kinship’ exhibit at UCLA curated by team from CSUSB
Los Angeles Wave
Jan. 30, 2025

“Fire Kinship: Southern California Native Ecology and Art,” now on exhibit at UCLA’s Fowler Museum through July 13, was curated by a team from Cal State San Bernardino that included Daisy Ocampo Diaz, assistant professor of history, alumna Lena Tejeda and Michael Chavez, former Fowler archaeological collections manager and NAGPRA project manager at CSUSB. The exhibit presents a living history that centers on the expertise of the Tongva, Cahuilla, Luiseño and Kumeyaay communities through objects, stories, videos, images and newly commissioned works from contemporary artists.

Framing the harms of wrongful convictions: how different narratives shape public opinion
Journal of Experimental Criminology

Sishi Wu (criminal justice), with Robert J. Norris (criminal justice, George Mason University), published a study that “examines whether highlighting different harms of wrongful convictions has differential effects on public attitudes.”

What's Trust Got to Do With It? Interpersonal and Institutional Trust in University Faculty
New Directions for Higher Education

Lisa Looney (child development) worked with Erin Gratz (from Orange Coast College) to publish a study that “explored the relationship between interpersonal and institutional trust, and whether interpersonal trust predicts institutional trust in faculty members at mid-sized universities.”

Post-COVID-19 Student and Faculty Perceptions of Online Computing Labs: Better Targeted, Better Perceptions, but Still Need Improvement
Education Sciences

CSUSB faculty Yunfei Hou (computer science and engineering), Miranda McIntyre (psychology), Jesus Herrera (information and decision science), Hani Aldirawi (mathematics) and Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), along with Joyce Fu (statistics, UC Riverside), published a “study (that) presents a comparative analysis of student and faculty perceptions towards online labs in three computing-related disciplines a year after the (COVID-19) pandemic.”

Association of Favorable Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers With Reversion of Mild Cognitive Impairment Due to Parkinson’s Disease
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

Jacob D. Jones (psychology) led a team to publish a paper that examined “group differences (cognitive normal, Parkinson’s Disease mild cognitive impairment reversion or CN, PD-MCI, and PD-MCI nonreversion) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) markers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), including amyloid beta, tau (total [t-tau] and phosphorylated [p-tau]), and alpha-synuclein.” Also listed as authors were CSUSB psychology students Cameron A. Ryczek, M.A.; Rhiannon Rivas, M.A.; Lea Hemphill, M.S.; Zackary Zanotelli, B.A.; Nicholas Renteria, B.A.; and, from Loma Linda University Health Systems, Khashayar Dashtipour, M.D.

High Impact Activities: Assessing the Association Between Social Participation Frequency and Cognition
Innovation in Aging

Eric Vogelsang (sociology), with Sara Moorman (sociology, Boston College), published a study that focused on “growing recognition that social participation may help attenuate cognitive decline in older ages. Unfortunately, previous empirical research often relies on social participation ‘summary indexes’, which may obfuscate associations between cognition and specific social activities. Moreover, there has been little consideration as to whether increased social participation frequency is associated with greater cognitive functioning. We utilize two nationally representative longitudinal surveys of older adults: the Health and Retirement Study (21,705 observations across six waves) and the National Social Life, Health & Aging Project (5,317 observations across two waves).”

Élites, radicalismo y democracia: Un estudio comparado sobre América Latina
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Madrid)

Fabian A. Borges (political science) published a comparative study in the Spanish-language academic journal that focused on elites, radicalism and democracy in Latin America.

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”