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INED Schedule

POD Network Institute for New Educational Developers (INED) 2025

Cal State San Bernardino, Tuesday, June 17 to June 20, 2025


Institute Schedule at a Glance

(Please note: This schedule is preliminary. Specific session topics may be adjusted as we continue to work with the outstanding INED faculty.)

Day 0: Monday June 16. Arriving

Traveling day. No sessions are planned. Participants are asked to arrive in time for an early start on Tuesday June 17.

Day 1: Tuesday June 17. The excitement of beginning: Envisioning a great career, recognizing institutional needs

8:00 – 9:00am Registration & check in
Transportation provided from Doubletree Hotel to CSU San Bernardino campus

9:00 am – 11:15am

With break

Consecutive plenary sessions:

  • Welcome and Plan of the Day and Week: Wayfinding at INED, Logistics, & Trail Conditions
  • Wayfinding in educational development - Who are we within our institutions?
11:15am – 12:30pm Networking lunch (provided)

12:30 – 4:00pm

With breaks

Concurrent session I choices: Surveying the landscape

  • Current issues in higher education and educational development
  • Developing a knowledge base in educational development
  • The intersection of technology with pedagogy and andragogy

Concurrent session II choices:  Mapping a path

  • Culturally informed strengths in educational development
  • Theories of learning and motivation
  • Backwards design 101 for educational development programs
4:00 – 5:00pm Small group coaching
5:00 – 6:30pm Welcome dinner/reception
6:30pm Transportation provided from CSU San Bernardino campus to Doubletree Hotel

Day 2: Wednesday June 18. Building a community and supporting each other

8:00 – 9:00am Registration & check in
Transportation provided from Doubletree Hotel to CSU San Bernardino campus

9:00 am – 10:30am

With break

Plan of the Day: Logistics and "Trail Conditions"


  • Asset-based approaches to educational development
10:30am – 12:00pm

Concurrent session I choices: Knowing yourself and your trailmates

  • Transitioning from faculty identity to an educational developer identity
  • Change management: Responding to trends and the "next shiny thing"
  • Building connections with others on campus
12:00 – 1:00pm Networking lunch (included)

1:00 – 2:45pm

With break

Concurrent session II choices: Supporting each other 

  • Winning Over Others: Responding to resistance and engaging new audiences
  • Articulating principles of community as a north star for serving today's faculty & tomorrow's students
  • Mental well-being, burnout, and trauma-informed educational development

2:45 – 4:15pm

With break

Concurrent session III choices: Meeting new travelers 

  • Unconference session:  Everyone has a way to build community
  • Engaging decision-makers to support the work
4:15 – 5:00pm Small group coaching
5:00 – 9:00pm Transportation provided from CSU San Bernardino campus to Doubletree Hotel and from there to nearby Claremont. Dinner on your own in Claremont. Buses depart at 9pm for Doubletree Hotel.

Day 3: Thursday June 19. Finding multiple paths to the same place: Practical strategies for success

8:00 – 9:00am

Registration & check in
Transportation provided from Doubletree Hotel to CSU San Bernardino campus

Plan of the Day: Logistics and "Trail Conditions"

9:00 am – 10:45am

With break

Concurrent session IV choices: Different paths for different travelers

  • Working with graduate students & graduate teaching assistants
  • Working with lecturer faculty (adjunct, part-time, contingent)
  • Side-trail!  Topic to be determined based on participant needs
10:45am – 12:00pm


  • Unpacking our decision-making: Metacognition as an educational developer
12:00 – 1:45pm

Coaching lunch (included)

Take a break

1:45 – 5:00pm

With break

Concurrent session V choices: Multiple tools for many needs

  • Practical strategies for well-organized programs
  • Universal design to address neurodiversity and different life situations
  • Facilitation and meeting skills

Concurrent session VI choices: Even more tools for the trail

  • Easy Walks: Five useful workshops or services to offer
  • Using classroom and other data to improve teaching and contribute to outreach
  • Active listening and personal reflection as key skills
5:00 – 9:00pm Transportation provided from CSU San Bernardino campus to Doubletree Hotel and from there to nearby Redlands. Dinner on your own in Redlands. Buses depart at 9pm for Doubletree Hotel.

Day 4: June 20. Enjoying the view: Completion & closure

8:00 – 9:00am

Registration & check in
Transportation provided from Doubletree Hotel to CSU San Bernardino campus

Plan of the Day: Logistics and "Trail Conditions"

9:00 – 10:00am Small group coaching
10:00 – 11:15am


  • A new wayfinding challenge/trail:  Generative AI ethics and opportunities as an educational developer
11:15 – 12:45pm

Transition to lunch, program evaluation, and final plenary

Reflective plenary: 

  • Reviewing the adventure and thinking of places to go
12:45 – 1:00pm Closing ceremony: The real journey begins
1:00 pm Transportation provided from CSU San Bernardino campus to Doubletree Hotel or Ontario Airport.