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INED Faculty

Educational developers who have charted diverse pathways into this field volunteer their time and expertise to facilitate the INED each year. This year’s faculty hail from Washington State to Florida, Massachusetts and California and points in between.

Danny Almeida
Associate Professor, School of Education
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Bryan Berrett
Director, Office of IDEAS
Cal State Fresno

Susanna Calkins
Director, Nexus for Faculty Success
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Stacy Grooters
POD past President; Executive Director, Center for Teaching Excellence
Boston College

Catherine Haras
Executive Director, Center for Effective Teaching & Learning
Cal State LA

William Hardaway
Instructional Designer
Cal State Fresno

Jennifer Imazeki
Associate Vice President for Faculty and Staff Diversity
San Diego State University

Emily Magruder
Director, Innovative Teaching and Future Faculty Development
CSU Chancellor's Office

Sailesh Maharjan
Lecturer, Department of Psychology
CSU San Bernardino

Matthew Mahavongtrakul
Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation, Program Director of Educational Development
University of California, Irvine

Julia Metzker
Director, Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education
The Evergreen State College

Gloria Niles
Director of Online Learning
University of Hawai'i System

H. Naomie Nyanungo
Associate Provost for Learning & Teaching Innovation
West Chester University

Allison Pingree
Associate Director, Instructional Support & Development
Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

Christine Rener
POD President; Vice Provost for Instructional Development and Innovation; Director, Robert and Mary Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center
Grand Valley State University

Whitney Scott
Director of Faculty Development
Cal State Northridge

Thomas Tobin
Senior Teaching & Learning Designer; Center for Teaching, Learning, & Mentoring
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kristi Verbeke
Director of Education Development, Center for Advancement of Teaching
Wake Forest University

Kevin Yee
Director, Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning
University Central Florida

Todd Zakrajsek
Associate Director Faculty Development Fellowship; Associate Professor of Family Medicine
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill