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Honor Student Spotlight

brynne hosea
Brynne Hosea
UHP 2020 Alumni, B.A. in Psychology

Brynne is one of our recently graduated alumni from the Honors Program with a Degree in Psychology. She is the most proud of her community service engagement in the program. And has also worked with underserved youth in the Inland Empire.

Brynne is currently pursuing her M.S. in counseling and marriage family therapy upon seeing the inaccessibility of mental health services for black and indigenous people of color. Brynne is working towards extending counseling services as a right to everyone in need regardless of income, race, background and culture.

Riana Sellers
Nursing Major, UHP Board Honors Faculty Student Representative

Riana is a student in the CSUSB nursing program and is integral to our honors community.

Her background and family HAVE pushed her to her accomplishments today. She hopes to become a certified nurse-midwife in the future and advocate for the rights of African American women in labor and delivery.

Jamilia Howell
Environmental Studies Major, University Honors Program Student

Jamilia knew she wanted to major in environmental studies when she discovered that many Black and Latinx individuals lack access to sustainable agriculture. She hopes to join the student association of geography and environmental studies to gain additional resources, support, and knowledge.

Noelle Roddam
Biology Major, CPVSA Gold Level Awardee

Noelle is an inspiring Biology student and researcher, working to investigate toxicity of common herbicides and its health impacts on underserved communities. Upon entering her field, Noelle noticed the lack of women representation in STEM careers and is aspiring to become an advocate for women’s health and rights in family planning as a Prenatal Genetic Counselor. Noelle is also an engaged member of the UHP, and received the Gold Level CSUSB President’s Volunteer Service Award.

Erick Herrera
Freshman Honors Student, Undeclared Major

Erick is a first-year and civically engaged Honors Student. He is proudly volunteering in the English Conversation Partners Program to speak with students from other countries, learning about their cultures and social dynamics in an enriching experience. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community identifying as a gay, cis-gendered, and Latin male, Erick strives to help underprivileged people both globally and locally in his future career. He emphasizes the importance of servicing the LGBTQ+ community and people from minority groups by taking on positions to aid them socially, economically, and medically. He aspires to be a representative of these communities in order to break boundaries and create better opportunities for everyone.

Nicole El-Maraghy
Biology Major, Student Mentor, Health Coach Intern

Nicole is a biology major in the Honors Program who aspires to contribute to the growth of biological innovations. After noticing the lack of female representation in STEM and the amount of women's work plagiarized in history, she hopes to become a published Physician researcher. She aims to model integrity and be a voice for the future generation of women in STEM.

Catalina Salazar
Psychology Major

Catalina is a proud Honors student who continually shows academic excellence. Her passion for creating and interest in helping others is reflected through her major in psychology and minor in studio arts. Catalina strives to connect with her identity as a second-generation Mexican-American by actively embracing the beauty of her ethnic roots and immersing herself in her culture through her research. Having experienced microaggressions, Catalina's research focuses on the bystander effect and racism. Catalina aspires to uncover what the general bystander and white bystander can do to take action when witnessing it.

Jeffrey Bongga
UHP Alumnus, B.A. in Political Science & Geography

Jeff is a revered CSUSB Alumnus and former Student Assistant to the Honors Program. He was involved in the National Model UN Conference, Capitol internships, VOICE Peer Mentoring, and our UHP Board, making it fit for him to receive the Director's Award Best All-Around Student of 2020. While in the Honors Program, Jeff found the freedom and agency to speak from his authentic self, dismantling stereotypes surrounding the "model minority" by fighting against being subservient. Currently, Jeff is working in California's Department of Social Services to empower vulnerable populations.

Xavier Resendez
History Major, History Club President, Coyote Research Ambassador, Mellon Mays Fellow, and SI Leader

Xavier is a fully engaged and dedicated Honors student that is integral in our program, and the CSUSB campus community. Xavier served as the Website Coordinator for UHPC Board and is currently the President of the History Club, a Coyote Research Ambassador, an SI Leader, and a revered student researcher as a Mellon Mays Fellow. 
Xavier's drive to succeed is rooted in the valuable lessons his family has taught him. From leaning into hard work to persevering through academic challenges, Xavier is driven to provide a better life for himself and his family. As a Mexican-American from an economically challenged background, all of Xavier's notable achievements in his field of History align with his values in giving a voice to those silenced that need to be heard. Through the love and support of his family, Xavier faces adversity and overcomes societal obstacles with success!

Daniel Martinez
UHPC Board President, Computer Science Major

Daniel is an involved Honors student and serves as our current UHPC Board President since 2020! He is a proud winner in the inaugural Computer Science and Engineering Club Hackathon with four other students, two of which are fellow Honors students. Daniel is engaged in several clubs outside of the Honors Program, including the CSUSB Game Development Club, the English Club, and the Creative Writing Club. As a computer science major, Daniel wants to become a high school teacher for computer science. He is motivated towards success as a first-generation student who believes that "everyone can be more happy if they do happy things for the world."

Claudia Osuna
Biology Major, Student Researcher & Scholar

Claudia is a biology major in the University Honors Program who has grown academically thanks to her family's faith, love, and support. While growing up in Mexico, Claudia realized the need to provide health education and care to women and people from minoritized groups to know the value of their health. She also volunteers in the ER, which further motivates her to pursue a career as a nurse practitioner. Claudia aspires to provide quality healthcare and education for marginalized groups to feel represented, heard, and valued.

Nicholas Nasr
Chemistry Major

Nicholas is a cherished Honors student and member of our community. As an inquisitive Chemistry major, Nicholas works hard to stay motivated and successful in his classes. Driven by his urge to seek and create knowledge to share it with others, Nicholas aims to be an educator in his field. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Nicholas navigated the challenges of growing up in a Catholic environment by embracing his identity and strengthening his faith in how God lovingly created him exactly as who he is supposed to be. In the face of any shame or guilt that may arise, Nicholas wants to share with his fellow members of the LGBTQ+ community that, "God loves you exactly the way that you are, he created you that way for a purpose that only you can figure out. Live your life!"