Certificate Information
The Online Graduate Certificate Program in Healthcare Spanish is a specialized language program for professionals and graduate students in Nursing, Health Sciences, Speech Pathology, Kinesiology, Psychology, Social Work, and related disciplines. It prepares students to successfully interact with members of the Hispanic community as they gain oral and written competency in professional Spanish and an understanding of Hispanic cultures. Since personnel in Healthcare and Healthcare-related fields must be able to communicate effectively with their clients, including native speakers of languages other than English, these are valuable skills for those currently practicing careers and/or seeking careers in Health and Human Services.
The courses focus on specialized medical terminology and cross-dialectal and cross-cultural variation within Latin American and US Spanish, as well as on culturally appropriate communication and interaction. The Certificate Program prepares students in a variety of healthcare-related fields to serve the growing Latino population in the Inland Empire and beyond. Hispanics are the fastest growing population in the US (62.1 million in 2020, a 23% growth since 2010) and the largest racial or ethnic group in California (15.6 million in 2020).
Note: This program has been in part developed with the support of a US Department of Education Grant (P016A140064).