Program Coordinator: Dorothy Chen-Maynard, PhD, RDN, FAND
Contact via email: dchen@csusb.edu
The mission of the Nutritional Science and Dietetics at CSUSB is to provide a high-quality education and cultural competencies to prepare students for supervised-practice leading to eligibility for the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). Through the accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) and Individualized Supervised-Practice Pathway (ISPP) Program, graduates will be prepared academically and professionally to work as an entry-level registered dietitian nutritionist in a variety of employment opportunities that will address the nutrition and health needs of individuals, families, schools, and communities.
Admission Criteria
There are no special admission criteria or forms required for an admission to the Nutritional Science and Dietetics Program (NSCD). Applications for first-year or transfer students must be submitted to CSU San Bernardino on Cal State Apply, website: https://www.calstate.edu/apply and declare NSCD as the major of study. Information on the process and requirements for first-year admission to CSUSB may be accessed via: https://www.csusb.edu/admissions/apply-csusb/first-year-students
Transfer students may access the admissions information and deadlines for CSUSB via: https://www.csusb.edu/admissions/apply-csusb/transfer-students/transfer-deadlines
Applicants residing in Coachella Valley may apply for the NSCD major at the San Bernardino (SB) Campus while the admissions at Palm Desert (PD) is not offered in Fall 2024. The NSCD Program at PD campus is on hiatus until further notice. The major courses will be offered at SB campus; however, some of the courses can be completed virtually. PD students may need to come to SB campus one day per week in the junior year due to the laboratory courses offered in person at SB campus. In the Fall semester of the senior year, PD students may have to come to SB campus for 6 weeks of lab and complete the remaining lab in the Coachella Valley. PD Students may take the Sun Bus from Coachella Valley to San Bernardino campus or carpool with others NSCD students living in Coachella Valley to attend the lecture and lab one day per week. It is important for PD students to complete some of the pre-requisite courses at College of the Desert (COD) Community College or a community college. Please refer to the road map for PD students for the courses. Once the pre-requisite courses are completed at a community college, it will require two additional years to complete the BS in NSCD.
Please refer to the
Career Opportunities
To become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), students must complete all of the following 3 steps:
1. Complete the Bachelor Degree and receive the Verification Statement from an accredited DPD at CSUSB. To receive the Verification Statement, graduates must complete all of the DPD courses listed below. For DPD Verification Statement, students must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.8 and have B- or better in your upper division DPD courses (3000 or higher level courses). The bachelor degree does not have to be in nutrition or dietetics, however, for VS DPD, students must take all the courses listed below and meet the minimum GPA and course grade requirements. Starting January 1, 2024, to be eligible to take the credential exam to become a RDN, one must have a graduate degree and completion of a dietetic supervised-practice program to be eligible to take the registration exam.
2. Completion and receipt of Verification Statement from accredited supervised-practice or dietetic internship (DI) program: For a list of accredited supervised-practice program, please go to http://www.eatright.org/students/education/di.aspx and the DI programs are listed by states. CSUSB has an Individualized Supervised-Practice Pathway (ISPP) Program which allows 25 interns each year to complete the 1,000 hours of supervised-practice experience along with the Master’s degree in Nutrition Science (MSNS); therefore, graduates are eligible for registration exam to become a dietitian. The ISPP and graduate degree can be completed in two years. CSUSB ISPP and graduate degree give preference to CSUSB DPD graduates while we accept interns from other DPD program. The ISPP Program can be completed as local and distance as well as full- and part-time options. However, the graduate program is not offered totally online format. For additional information about CSUSB ISPP Program, please go to this website: https://www.csusb.edu/pace/courses-programs/health-sciences/individualized-supervised-practice-pathways-ispp-dietetic.
3. After successful completion of the masters degree and 1000 hours of supervised-practice experience, the Program Director will submit the Verification Statements from DPD, graduate degree, and supervised-practice program to Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR); and graduates must successfully pass the Registration Exam for Dietitian to become a RDN.
With the Verification Statement from CSUSB, graduates are also eligible to take the NDTR (Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Registered) exam and work as a NDTR. Also, with the 4-year degree completed in the DPD courses, graduates are eligible to take the Certified Dietary Manager (CDM) exam to work as a dietary manager in a facility as foodservice director.
Please note that the MSNS and ISPP Programs are separate stand-alone programs; and they can be taken together or separately. However, graduates must complete both in order to take the registration exam to become a RDN.
ISPP Program at CSUSB has the same requirements and meets the ACEND accreditation to complete the 1,000 hours of supervised-practice experience. However, ISPP Programs will no longer be accredited after December 31, 2026. Therefore, CSUSB ISPP program will be phased out and closed on December 15, 2026; therefore, the last cohort of the ISPP interns will be accepted in Fall 2025. Only full time ISPP interns will be accepted for the last cohort in Fall 2025 and the interns must complete the program before December 15, 2026.
Department of Health Science and Human Ecology will be submitting an application to have an accredited Dietetic Internship program in place to allow graduate students and those with graduate degrees to complete their supervised-practice experience to become a Registered Dietitian.
Graduates without VS DPD may take some of the undergraduate classes while completing the graduate work for VS DPD at CSUSB; however, please note that some of these classes are necessary for graduates to enter the graduate program. Please refer to the https://www.csusb.edu/health-science-human-ecology/nutritional-science-and-dietetics/master-science-nutrition-science for additional information about the MSNS program.
New application of Nutrition Student Association:
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: The DPD program will prepare competent graduates capable of succeeding in an accredited supervised-practice program (dietetic internship or individualized supervised practice pathway). The DPD and ISPP Programs will prepare graduates capable of succeeding as entry-level practitioners as a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN).
- Objective 1.1a: At least 80% of program students complete program/degree requirements within 3 years (150% of program length) for full-time students and within 6 years (150% of program length) for part-time students. (DPD)
- Objective 1.1b: At least 80% of program interns complete program/degree requirements within 16.5 months (150% of program length) for full-time interns and 33 months (150% of program length) for part-time interns. (ISPP)
- Objective 1.2.a.a: At least 40% of program graduates apply for admission to a supervised-practice program prior to or within 12 months of graduation. (DPD)
- Objective 1.2.a.b: At least 25% of program graduates are admitted to a supervised-practice program within 12 months of graduation. (DPD)
- Objective 1.2.b: Of graduates who seek employment, 80% are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields, within 12 months of graduation. (ISPP)
- Objective 1.3.a: At least 80% of program graduates take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionist within 12 months of program completion. (ISPP)
- Objective 1.3.b: The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%. (DPD & ISPP)
- Objective 1.4.a: At least 90% of surveys returned by supervised-practice program directors rate the DPD graduates they supervised at least “adequately prepared” on all items that are rated. (DPD)
- Objective 1.4.b.1: At least 90% of surveys returned by employers of DPD graduates will rate these graduates as “satisfactory” or better, in terms of their preparation for entry-level practice as a dietitian nutritionist (DPD)
- Objectives 1.4.b.2: At least 90% of surveys returned by employers of ISPP graduates will rate these graduates as “satisfactory” or better, in terms of their preparation for entry level practice as a dietitian nutritionist. (ISPP)
- Objective 1.5.a: At least 80% of DPD graduates who respond to the program survey will indicate that the program “prepared” or “well-prepared” them to be successful in a supervised-practice program, a related graduate program, and/or employment in a nutrition and dietetic related position. (DPD)
- Objective 1.5.b: At least 80% of ISPP graduates who respond to the program survey will indicate that the program “prepared” or “well-prepared” them to be successful in employment in a nutrition and dietetic related position.
- Objective 1.6.a: At least 80% of DPD graduates who respond to the program survey will rate the education at CSUSB to be “good” or “excellent.” (DPD)
- Objection 1.6.b: At least 80% of ISPP graduates who respond to the program survey will rate the education at CSUSB to be “good” or “excellent.” (ISPP)
Goal 2: The DPD/ISPP will prepare graduates competent in a variety of employment opportunities that will address the nutrition and health needs in multicultural communities.
- Objectives 2.1: At least 90% of surveys returned by supervised-practice program directors will rate the DPD graduates completing their program as “competent” or “extremely competent” in their ability to provide service to culturally diverse communities. (DPD)
- Objective 2.2: At least 80% of DPD graduates who respond to the program survey will rate themselves as “competent” or “extremely competent” in their ability to provide service to culturally diverse communities. (DPD)
- Objective 2.3: At least 90% of surveys returned by employers will rate ISPP graduates as being “competent” or “extremely competent” to work with clients of various ethnic/cultural backgrounds. (ISPP)
- Objective 2.4:At least 80% of ISPP graduates who respond to the program survey will rate themselves as “competent” or “extremely competent” in their ability to work with clients of various ethnic/cultural backgrounds. (ISPP)
Students in the NSCD program can complete their BS degree and Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) courses in two years if the pre-requisite courses were completed in a community college. Otherwise, it will take three years for completion of the BS degree and DPD courses. It is important that students follow the myCAP (myCoyote Academic Plan) developed by the DPD Director in order to complete the degree in a timely manner. The plan will have the title “myCAP plan by Dr. Chen” and if there is a plan missing, please contact Dr. Chen to have an individualized plan developed for the student. Students admitted to the NSCD program will need to contact the DPD Director for academic advising by the faculty advisor and to set up a myCAP for each student. Academic Advisors in the Academic Success and Undergraduate Advising (ASUA) may advise students; but students must follow the myCAP established by the DPD Director. The DPD Director for Academic Year 2024-25 is Dr. Dorothy Chen-Maynard, PhD, RDN, FAND, and she can be reached via email: dchen@csusb.edu.
Graduates with BS in NSCD are eligible to take the national examination to become a Certified Dietary Manager (CDM) or Certified Food Protection Professionals (CFPP), administered by the Certifying Board for Dietary Managers (CBDM) of Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals (ANFP). The information may be accessed on their website: https://www.anfponline.org/become-a-cdm/cdm-cfpp-credential
Graduates with BS in NSCD and Verification Statement for Didactic Program in Dietetics (VS DPD) are eligible to take the Nutrition and Dietetics Technician Registered (NDTR) administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) of the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). The DPD Director will submit the paperwork for the NDTR exam if the student should wish to take the NDTR exam. Additional information regarding the career options will be covered in the DPD courses.
To become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), students must complete all of the following 3 steps:
Complete the Bachelor Degree and receive the Verification Statement from the accredited DPD (VSDPD) at CSUSB. To receive the Verification Statement, graduates must complete all of the DPD courses listed below. For DPD Verification Statement, students must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.8 and have B- or better in your upper division DPD courses (3000 or higher level courses). The bachelor degree does not have to be in nutrition or dietetics, however, for VS DPD, students must take all the courses listed below and meet the minimum GPA and course grade requirements. Starting January 1, 2024, to be eligible to take the credential exam to become a RDN, one must have a graduate degree and completion of a dietetic supervised-practice program to be eligible to take the registration exam.
Completion and receipt of Verification Statement from accredited supervised-practice or dietetic internship (DI) program: For a list of accredited supervised-practice program, please go to http://www.eatright.org/students/education/di.aspx and the DI programs are listed by states. CSUSB has an Individualized Supervised-Practice Pathway (ISPP)* Program which allows 25 interns each year to complete the 1,000 hours of supervised-practice experience along with the Master’s degree in Nutrition Science (MSNS); therefore, graduates are eligible for registration exam to become a dietitian. The ISPP and graduate degree can be completed in two years. CSUSB ISPP and graduate degree give preference to CSUSB DPD graduates while the program accepts interns from other DPD program. The ISPP Program can be completed as local and distance as well as full- and part-time options. Since the graduate program (MSNS) is offered as a hybrid optional format, students may complete the program as in-person or totally online format. For additional information about CSUSB ISPP Program, please go to this website: https://www.csusb.edu/pace/courses-programs/health-sciences/individualized-supervised-practice-pathways-ispp-dietetic.
After successful completion of the masters degree and 1,000 hours of supervised-practice experience, the Program Director will submit the Verification Statements from DPD, graduate degree, and supervised-practice program to Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR); and graduates must successfully pass the Registration Exam for Dietitian to become a RDN.
Please note that the MSNS and ISPP Programs are separate stand-alone programs; and they can be taken together or separately. However, graduates must complete both in order to take the registration exam to become a RDN.
Also, please note that CSUSB ISPP program will be phased out and closed on December 15, 2026; therefore, the last cohort of the ISPP interns will be accepted in Fall 2025. Only full time ISPP interns will be accepted for the last cohort in Fall 2025 and the interns must complete the program before December 15, 2026.
The NSCD program is in the process of completing the application for Candidacy for Accreditation for Dietetic Internship (DI) Program to start in Spring 2026. However, the program may not be able to accept applications until Fall 2026 since it takes up to 18 months for the application and accreditation process.
Program information and the application process will be posted on the website after the DI program is accredited.
Graduates without VS DPD may take some of the undergraduate classes while completing the graduate work for VS DPD at CSUSB; however, please note that some of these classes are necessary for graduates to enter the graduate program. Please refer to the https://www.csusb.edu/health-science-human-ecology/nutritional-science-and-dietetics/master-science-nutrition-science for additional information about the MSNS program.
Professional Organizations

Mission : To promote Nutrition and Healthy lifestyle to campus and surrounding community through awareness and education. To empower members to achieve their educational and professional goals by providing opportunities and activities in pursuit of these goals.
Nutrition Student Association Membership Application
For more information about the Nutrition Student Association, contact :
Faculty Advisor : Dr. Dorothy Chen-Maynard, RDN
Phone No : (909) 537-5340
Email : dchen@csusb.edu