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Interfolio/Faculty 180

The University is using Interfolio/Faculty 180 as our online RPT platform and has now officially launched Faculty 180, an upgrade to Interfolio and the RPT system at CSUSB.  You are able to access Faculty 180 from your Interfolio account. Faculty 180 will enable and equip you to compile and submit Faculty Activity Reports (FAR) digitally. In addition to streamlining the RPT experience, Faculty 180 will also allow all faculty to record their professional development in a centralized location.

 Interfolio/Faculty 180 Log In

Faculty 180 Workshops

Coming soon


Faculty 180 Resource Link

Interfolio/F180 Guide for YEAR 1 

Interfolio/F180 Guide for YEAR 2 

Interfolio/RPT Guide on Uploading Attachments 

Interfolio/RPT Guide on Uploading and evaluation report 


Procedures and Criteria for Performance Review and Periodic Evaluation

Review/RPT/Evaluation/Salaries - FAM 650-654:

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