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Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP)

Faculty and librarians upon reaching the age of fifty-five (55) may retire but continue to be employed for a period equivalent to one academic term per year not to exceed a total of ninety (90) workdays or fifty (50) percent of the employee's regular timebase in the year preceding retirement.  Participation in this program is limited to five (5) consecutive years and participants shall be paid at rank and salary at the time of retirement.

FERP 2025/2026 Deadline

FERP Powerpoint Presentation

If you are considering retirement and plan to participate in the FERP starting with the 2025/2026 Academic Year, (per Article 29 of the CBA) the deadline to notify the University is February 18, 2025.

In order to begin this process you must send a letter to President Morales stating your intent, including the effective date of your retirement.  You should also copy your Department Chair, College Dean, Provost and the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.

Next, complete the FERP form and submit the completed form to your Department Chair for review and approval.

Additional information about this process is located in the CBA Article 29  that governs the FERP 

For additional information for those considering the FERP who were hired on or after 1/1/2011 please see below.


Restrictions on Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) Participation for Individuals with CalPERS Retirement Formulas of 2% at age 60 or 2% at age 62.

This is additional information for those considering the FERP who were hired on or after 1/1/2011.

Such individuals are CalPERS members whose retirement formula is either 2% at age 60 or 2% at age 62. These two retirement formulas apply to individuals who were hired between 1/1/2011 and 12/31/2012 (2% at age 60) or on or after 1/1/2013 (2% at age 62).  

The collective bargaining agreement between the California State University and the California Faculty Association states that eligible tenured faculty members who have reached the age of 55 may participate in the FERP. However, this language predates the 2011 and 2013 changes to retirement formulas. State and federal law place additional restrictions on post-retirement employment for individuals who have not reached “normal retirement age”, which tracks with the retirement formula age. As a consequence, those hired on or after 1/1/2011 will not be eligible to enter the FERP until they reach the age of their respective retirement formula (age 60 or 62). 

If you have questions about your retirement formula or retirement benefits, please contact Human Resources Benefits Office at 909-537-5143. For questions regarding FERP please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development 909-537-5029.