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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Exempt employee and Non-Exempt employees? 


  • Exempt staff employees are expected to accomplish assigned work without regard to the number of hours worked. 
  • If exempt staff employees need to work extra hours in the business day or week, they do not receive overtime or Compensation Time Off (CTO). 
  • When it is necessary for exempt staff employees to work extended hours, managers may authorize informal adjustments in work hours - it is not an hour for hour adjustment. 
  • For exempt classifications, there are no fixed minimum or maximum hours in a workday or workweek. 
  • Exempt employees do not get partial day docks when leaving early or coming in late. 


  • Full-time staff employees in non-exempt classifications shall work a minimum work week of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day period, or eighty (80) hours in a fourteen (14) day period. 
  • Non-Exempt staff employees who work more than forty (40) hours in a work week are eligible for overtime pay or CTO. 
  • Non-Exempt staff employees must enter into Absence Management time they are away from work, e.g. vacation, sick, leaving early, arriving late, etc. Time away from work can be reported in tenths. 
What office maintains Staff/Management Personnel Plan (MPP) Employee Files? 

Human Resources Maintains the Official personnel file for each employee. One official personnel file is maintained for each employee.

What is a Personnel File? 

Contents of staff and management personnel files normally include, but are not limited to: 

Position History 

  • Application for employment/resume 
  • Appointment letter 
  • Position description 


  • Performance evaluations 
  • Memorandum and letters of praise, counseling, or reprimand 


  • Higher education degree 
  • License/certification 
  • Notices of completed training