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2024 Summit Proceedings

Relive the 2024 Educational Leadership Summit

Welcome to the proceedings page of the 2024 Educational Leadership Summit, held at Cal State San Bernardino on November 14th, 2024. We are thrilled to offer you a chance to revisit this impactful event.

The summit, "Education as A Civil Right: Safeguarding the Future of America’s Public Schools," brought together over 230 educators, advocates, and community leaders. This video captures the essence of the day and is filled with robust discussions on the challenges and opportunities facing public education today.

Highlights of the Summit:

Four distinguished keynote speakers, each providing unique perspectives on the state of education, led the conversation.

  • School House Burning: Public School Education and the Assault on American Democracy: Professor Derek Black, a renowned constitutional law scholar and expert in education law and policy, captivated the audience with insights from his book, "Schoolhouse Burning: Public Education and the Assault on American Democracy." His presentation shed light on the critical intersection of constitutional law and public education, particularly the threats to equality and fairness for all students. Watch Keynote
  • Advancing Educational Access for All Students in the Inland Empire Region: Dr. Edwin Gomez, the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools and a proud CSUSB alumnus delivered a compelling presentation titled "Advancing Educational Access for All Students in the Inland Empire Region." With his extensive experience in education, from classroom teacher to district superintendent, Dr. Gomez provided invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing education in the region, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and community engagement to ensure student success. Watch Keynote
  • The State of African American Education in the Inland Empire: Dina Walker, President and CEO of the BLU Educational Foundation, presented "The State of African American Education in the Inland Empire." With over 20 years of experience driving equitable educational outcomes, Walker highlighted her organization's commitment to expanding access to higher education for African American students in the region. She shared impactful initiatives to increase enrollment and foster success for these students. Watch Keynote
  • Roles and Activities Towards the Preservation and Furtherance of Public Education Opportunities in the Inland Empire: Dr. Ashish K. Vaidya, the newly appointed President and CEO of Growing Inland Achievement (GIA), presented "Roles and Activities Towards the Preservation and Furtherance of Public Education opportunities in the Inland Empire." With a distinguished career in higher education, including leadership roles at several universities, Dr. Vaidya brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to his analysis of educational challenges and opportunities in the region. Watch Keynote
  • A dynamic mini-conference featuring presentations and discussions led by experts in the field: Topics ranged from artificial intelligence's impact on education and AmeriCorps programs' role in fostering equity to culturally responsive mathematics instruction and addressing the needs of Indigenous students.

Note: The time-stamped chapters in the video allow you to navigate to specific segments or speakers for ease of viewing.

Enjoy the whole experience of the 2024 Educational Leadership Summit and stay inspired to make a difference in the world of education.

<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch 2024 Educational Leadership Summit YouTube Video</a>