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Summer Institutes (Coming soon)

Next summer we will have three 3 day institutes. In surrounding cities in the Inland Empire

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Building Thinking Classrooms Part 1 & 2

This Grade K-12 Institute is about bringing teachers together after yet another hectic and stressful academic year in order to figure out the next steps. For teachers new to Building Thinking Classrooms, learn instructional strategies to foster student engagement and thinking.

Topics included:

Evaluating the specific tasks that promote thinking classrooms.

How do we arrange the physical space in a Thinking Classroom to facilitate thinking autonomy?

What does homework look like in a Thinking Classroom?

How do we develop student autonomy in a Thinking Classroom?

How do we reframe student evaluation in a Thinking Classroom?

A picture of the Building thinking classrom book that will be used in the summer institute



Early Childhood Education

With radical changes coming to Early Childhood Education because of the introduction of UPK (Universal Pre-Kindgarten) and TK (Transitional Kindergarten) many teachers have more questions than ever about how to provide their students with opportunities that allow students to become adept with counting. This workshop will handle a host of ways to engage with developing student counting ability.

A picture of the choral counting and counting collections book that will be used in the summer institute