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Participant Testimonials

Our programs and training sessions are designed to inspire and empower educators. Here are some examples of the positive feedback we've received from participants who have experienced the transformative impact of our initiatives.

It was a fantastic experience meeting like-minded educators and expanding the tools available to foster student engagement. I plan to utilize several techniques and activities from the session in my classroom, and would encourage all math teachers and admin to attend. Together we can truly build a math community for all!

"Do it! The amount of information you recieve will give you such insight into the way thinking has changed when it comes to math."

"This training helped me to enjoy math more. It also helped me to see how I can teach my students to feel excited about math and most importantly having them become their OWN source of knowledge. LOVED IT!"

"I have a better understanding on how to build thinking in my classroom and boosted my confidence to be able to build thinking in my classroom."

It was a fantastic experience meeting like-minded educators and expanding the tools available to foster student engagement. I plan to utilize several techniques and activities from the session in my classroom, and would encourage all math teachers and admin to attend. Together we can truly build a math community for all!

"I am glad I took advantage of this opportunity to learn new ideas to help my math community in my classroom and at my school. Our presenters and their knwledge helped me gain a wealth of knowledge I look forward to taking back for the school year."

This was a great experience to help educators expand student thinking and engagement in the classroom, which is missing in the classrooms. I will definitely be utilizing the resources I gained in this training in my classroom.

The Building Thinking Classroom training with Inland Counties Math Project was amazing, and the endless resources and support provided will help me get started using BTC in my classroom next year.

The Building Thinking Classroom sessions were engaging, thought-provoking, offering deep insights and practical applications into how educators can effectively implement these strategies in real-world classroom settings. The Mathematics Institute was not just informative, but truly transformative in its approach to applying the revised CA Mathematics framework.

It was eye opening with the framework and thinking about ways to asses the learning through standard based and not just the grading.

The time spent collaborating and learning with my colleagues and others in our county was priceless and totally worth my summer time.

I was told 'math is fun' and 'ain't no party like a math party' first thing on day one. Not being a lover of math, I was hesitant to believe it. After completing these 3 days, I feel more confident in teaching math and setting up a thinking classroom.

I love that we're bringing back fun, thinking math time through Building Thinking Classrooms, and vertical, non-permanent surfaces. I'm excited.

I loved attending the Building Thinking Classrooms math training with RCOE! I look forward to reading the book and applying the principles to my coaching and instruction. The training was hands-on, engaging, and practical

Building Thinking Classroom practices are one of the most engaging strategies I've seen in my 18 years of teaching.

Great training with a new perspective on how to teach mathematics. As educators, we need to move from mimicry to critical thinking. This training gave me a framework on how to move in that direction.

I am excited to encourage my teachers to take risks in learning and teaching and have students get up and use VNPSs. Math should be relevant and meaningful, and BTC does exactly that.

Thank you for such a great learning experience. We received so many great resources for teaching math in a fun way. I especially appreciate the ideas for engaging students so they are learning and enjoying the experience.

I came out with so many new ideas and activities. Sessions were engaging and activities easily implemented in my classroom.