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ASI Elections

ASI Elections

Be the Next Student Leader

Every spring, Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) holds a student government election to determine student leadership for the following academic year. ASI is excited to announce the 2025 Elections season, which will determine who will be sitting on the Board of Directors for 2025-2026.

ASI is governed by a Board of Directors (BoD) who represents the academic colleges and various student groups of Cal State University, San Bernardino. The students who sit on the Board advocate on behalf of their constituents. The Board of Directors is composed of four (4) executive officers and 13 directors representing the academic colleges, athletes, clubs/orgs, graduate students, international students, on-campus residence halls, students with disabilities, and students at large.


The application to run for office in the 2025 ASI Election application is now open! Read through the Elections Packet first to ensure you have all the information you need before completing your application. The deadline to apply to run for office has been extended to Thursday, March 6th.

Elections PacketApply to Run for Office!

Elections Banner

Why Run for Student Government?

ASI believes you are ready to take your college experience to the next level! Student leadership is a notable way to enhance your time in college, and a great way to add a diverse skillset to your resume. It builds communication and decision-making abilities that will help you in your post-graduate journey.

This is your chance to influence positive change for the student body of CSUSB. It all begins here! Take the next step to define your future!

Submitting Your Application

Attend an ASI Elections Information Session

Attend one of our information sessions to learn more about elections. These sessions will serve as a chance to ask questions and learn more about the application process. Dates for information sessions will be announced in the coming weeks.

Info Sessions


Policy and Procedures
Review Positions & Procedures

Review the responsibilities of the position you are interested in running for. Also, ready the Elections Policy to become familiar with eligibility requirements and campaign regulations.

Review Elections Policy


Utilize Your Resources

Take a look at the application to see the information you have to provide. Connect with resources on campus such as the Writing Center to draft or revise your candidate statement. 

Connect with Resources


Submit Your Application

Review and submit your application to run for office. The deadline to apply is on Thursday, March 6th at 11:59 PM (PST). 

Submit Your Application


Positions Available for Candidacy

Executive Office (Paid)
Executive Vice President
Vice President of Finance
Vice President of Palm Desert Campus (must be a student enrolled at the Palm Desert Campus)


Board of Directors (Incentives Offered)
College of Arts & Letters Representative (Must be a student in the College of Arts & Letters)
College of Business & Public Administration Representative (Must be a student in College of Business & Public Admin.)
College of Education Representative (Must be a student in the College of Education or Liberal Studies)
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Representative (Must be a student in the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences)
College of Natural Sciences Representative (Must be a student in the College of Natural Sciences)
Athletics Representative (Must be a current or former CSUSB student athlete)
Clubs & Organizations Representative (Must be in a club or org chartered through the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement)
Graduate Student Representative (Must be a graduate student)
Housing Representative (Must be a student living on campus for the 2025-26 academic year)
International Student Representative (Must be an international student)
Students with Disabilities Representative (Must be registered with Services to Students with Disabilities)
Student at Large Representative (Two positions available, any student can run)


InquiriesElections Chair

If you have any questions or want more information on ASI Elections, please contact our Elections Chair, at 

Important Documents

2025 ASI Elections Resources

Previous ASI Elections

We Stand Committed

During its normal operations, inclusive of campaign activities, Associated Students Inc. follows the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing protections afforded to the following classes; race, color, religion (includes religious dress and grooming practices), sex/gender (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and/ or related medical conditions), gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, medical Condition (genetic characteristics, cancer or a record or history of cancer), Military or veteran status, National origin (includes language use and possession of a driver’s license issued to persons unable to provide their presence in the United State is authorized under federal law), ancestry, disability (mental and physical including HIV/AIDS, cancer, and genetic characteristics), genetic information, Request for family care leave, Request for leave for an employee’s own serious health condition, request for Pregnancy Disability Leave, retaliation for reporting patient abuse in tax-supported institutions, age (over 40) (“Protected Classes”).

Associated Students Inc. neither supports or condones any derogatory or harassing comments made towards such Protected Classes. Any individual connected with Associated Students, Inc. and is found to make derogatory or harassing comments towards a Protected Class will be separated from Associated Students, Inc. However Associated Students, Inc. does support open non-derogatory or non-harassing conversations directly regarding topics of issues dealing with Protected Classes.