CSUSB High Performance Computing
Through the CSUSB High Performance Computing Program (HPCP), our faculty, students and staff can use the high performance computing resources at the supercomputing centers for academic purposes. All faculty and student projects that can use these resources are welcome and can begin immediately.
How to start
Please contact Dr. Bradford Owen (bowen@csusb.edu) if you are interested in the program or would like to submit a project. Please utilize the following resources depending on your project and class.
- CSUSB JupyterHub: No registration required. See this page for more details
- The National Research Platform (NRP)
- Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS-CI)
Anyone with Coyote ID can access our JupyterHub immediately. For the NRP and ACCESS-CI, each requires a different level of information to start. Please click the server names for details. All resources should be used for academic purposes only.
Additional CSUSB resources
- Data Analytics Working Group for data analytics information and resources. They hold working hours to help the campus and community with questions related to data analytics.
Project resource calls
- National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot
- Offers resources to faculty teaching US-based students subject matter in artificial intelligence requiring advanced computational resources as part of coursework
- National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot Resource Requests to Advance AI Research
- In the NAIRR Pilot, the US National Science Foundation (NSF), the US Department of Energy (DOE), and numerous private and non-profit sector partners are providing an opportunity for the research community to request access to a set of computing, model, platform and educational resources for projects related to advancing AI research.
An example of a recent HPCP project is Benson and Pamela Harer Fellow in Egyptology Dr. Kate Liszka's and Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art's research Egyptologist and educator Bryan Kraemer's interactive 3D model of a large archaeological site in southeastern Egypt, Wadi el Hudi, created from 91,000 still images:

We put our best effort into supporting the high performance computing at California State University San Bernardino. When you have any results or outcomes utilizing the HPC resources, please consider including the appropriate acknowledgment(s).
- Appropriate for all users:
This [research | presentation] was supported in part by the high performance computing resources provided by (ITS or Information Technology Services) [and | or] (ATI or Academic Technologies & Innovation) at California State University San Bernardino.
- If you wish to additionally acknowledge an individual or individuals who helped you with high-performance computing, the suggested format is:
We thank the High Performance Computing Program team at California State University San Bernardino, especially [specialist’s name(s)] for [his/her/their support/help/assist] with [describe tasks accomplished].
- If your project(s) utilized the National Research Platform (NRP) servers, include the following (CSUSB JupyterHub users need to include this):
This work was supported in part by NSF awards CNS-1730158, ACI-1540112, ACI-1541349, OAC-1826967, OAC-2112167, CNS-2120019, the University of California Office of the President, and the University of California San Diego’s California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology/Qualcomm Institute.
Please inform us of your publications or presentations.
Team members
- Gerard Au, Chief Information Officer
- Dr. Bradford Owen, AVP for Faculty Development and Chief Academic Technologies Officer
- James MacDonell, ITS HPC Consultant
- Dr. Dung Vu, ITS HPC Consultant