
Jesse James Garrett. The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond (2nd Edition).
Call #: TK5105.888.G37 2011
The Elements of User Experience became a vital reference for web and interaction designers the world over and has come to define the core principles of the practice.

Nunnally, Brad, and David Farkas. UX Research: Practical Techniques for Designing Better Products. First ed. 2016.
Available online at ProQuest Safari Tech Books Online
This book contains four sections, including a brief introduction to UX research, planning and preparation, facilitating research, and analysis and reporting.
Open Sources
Improving the User Experience - Research-based usability guidelines
UX Magazine - UX Magazine is a free community resource exploring all facets of experience design.
UXmatters - Insights, and inspiration for the user experience community
UX Myths - collects the most frequent user experience misconceptions and explains why they don't hold true.
Other Resources
Journal of usability studies - The Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) is a peer-reviewed, international, online publication dedicated to promote and enhance the practice, research, and education of user experience design and evaluation.
User Experience Professionals Association - The UXPA International supports people who research, design, and evaluate the user experience (UX) of products and services.
Human Factors; the journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - Available electronically and print via main library
Ergonomics in Design - Available electronically and print via main library
Design issues (Online) - Available online. Available electronically and print via main library
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