About PPG
The Players of the Pear Garden — which takes its name from an association of theatre scholars in ancient China — was the first student organization on campus, founded in 1966 by Ronald E. Barnes. PPG remains a vital student organization by promoting student interest in the area of Theatre Arts, Arts and Letters, and Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) involvement.
Not only does the PPG provide social activities for its members and aid the department office, its members strive to promote the arts through on- and off-campus outreach. Any CSUSB student is invited to join the Players of the Pear Garden. If interested, please contact the Theatre Arts Department Office at (909) 537-5876 for more information.
A typical year for PPG might include: Coffee Houses, Movie Nights, Academy Awards Contest, the High School Theatre Festival, Murder Mystery Party, the Annual end-of-the-year Banquet, and Community Events.

2024-2025 Players of the Pear Garden Board
President: Jason Davila
Vice President: Brittany Hurtado
Secretary: Esmeralda Tapia
Treasurer: Cameron Ruggiero
Historian: Julian Centeno
You can also get connected with the PPG's activities on Theatre Box Office Facebook.

The Players of the Pear Garden
Emperor Ming Huang of China, eighth century, established a school of acting. Its name has been translated as “young folk of the pear garden,” “students of the pear garden,” or “scholars of the pear garden.”
“Players of the Pear Garden” has been chosen as the name for San Bernardino state college’s (Now California State University, San Bernardino) first drama group, guided by professor Ronald Barnes (it’s first production will be March 10).
Fascinating history is behind today’s drama.
Drama emerged from religious rights. In the 20th Century the advanced dramatic work of Yeats and Brecht, as well as current drama, reflected the merging of Eastern and Western civilizations.
In a few years the public will see the Players of the Pear Garden in a miraculously apt setting. Their proposed amphitheater will emerge naturally in a clearing made for it at the base of the mountains.
If the Players of the Pear Garden live up to their intriguing name and the superb advantages of their amphitheater, San Bernardino audiences are going to enjoy living drama in the best tradition.