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Faculty News

Vogelsang will present at the 2025 Population Association of American Annual Meeting in Washington DC. 

Vogelsang presented at the 2024 Gerontological Society of American Annual Conference in Seattle. 

José Muñoz was invited to participate in an NSF-sponsored Workshop on Equity and Inclusion Research in Academia to be held this June at the University of Missouri. 

José Muñoz joins California State University HSI Action Research Network. The network consists of eight CSU campuses: San Bernardino, Channel Islands, East Bay, Humboldt, Monterey Bay, Sacramento, San Marcos and Northridge. It aims to foster cross-campus collaborations to serve Latino students better in the CSU system. José Muñoz joins California State University HSI Action Research Network | CSUSB News | CSUSB

José Muñoz is key personnel on a five-year $3,000,000 U.S. Department of Education Grant Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans. The project team led by Caroline Vickers (PI) and Cynthia Crawford (PI) will create Inclusive Pathways to Allied Health Professions. . 

José Muñoz has co-authored a paper in Sociological Focus titled “Higher education as a class-based institution: A study of working-class sociologists.

Dr. Vogelsang will be presenting at the National Institutes of Health as part of the Sure Biennial Conference.  Link to the conference agenda 

José Muñoz was named Core Faculty for CSUSB's Educational Leadership program in the College of Education.  He will serve on dissertation committees for the doctoral program.

Ethel Mickey was invited to serve on the editorial board for Gender & Society, the top-ranked academic journal covering gender studies and feminist scholarship.  She was also recently elected to serve as a Council Member for the American Sociological Association's Sex and Gender Section.

Dr. Vogelsang selected as a 2024 member of the Lifestyle and Health Behaviors section of the National Institutes of Health.

José Muñoz co-organized the June 1st, 2024, CSUSB Inland Empire People’s History Conference in collaboration with colleagues at Brown University, UC Irvine, USC, the University of Redlands, and UC Riverside. This project involved recruiting more than 50 university and community-based scholars for a one-day conference. Conference unites historians, storytellers to showcase overlooked Inland Empire history| KVCR News

José A. Muñoz is the vice president-elect for the Pacific Sociological Association's council.

José Muñoz co-authored with his ASA First Generation and Working Class Persons in Sociology colleagues the following paper “The Graduate School Pipeline and First-Generation/Working-Class Inequalities.” Sociology of Education, 97(2), 148-173.

Dr. Vogelsang recognized by Rep Aguilar for his multi-year $750,000 NIH/NIA grant to study social participation, gender, and cognitive decline. 

Annika Anderson, Rigaud Joseph (social work) and Paul Jones (social work lecturer) of CSUSB’s Project Rebound published a paper on the efficacy of programs that provide support services to formerly incarcerated college students.

Dr. Vogelsang interviewed by BBC about mid-life career changes.  Link here: The mid-career workers pivoting to dream jobs - BBC Worklife.

Dr. Megan Carroll published "Marginalize or Valorize: A Two-Case Study of Parental Essentialism and Fathers' Social Location" in Men & Masculinities, co-authored with Dr. Jennifer Randles (Fresno State):

Dr. Megan Carroll was featured in two episodes of the Free From Desire podcast, which won the Tribeca Film Festival's 2023 Narrative Nonfiction Audio Award.  

Student/Alumni News

Richard Salazar (Class of 2025) was accepted into Loma Linda University's Masters in Social Work Program. Nice work Richard! 

Author Keeona Harris, who earned her sociology degree at Cal State San Bernardino, returns virtually to her alma mater to discuss her latest book, “Mainline Mama: A Memoir,” at the next Conversations on Race and Policing.  The program, free and open to the public and with support from CSUSB’s Project Rebound, will take place at noon Wednesday, March 12, on Zoom at 

David Penny (class of 2024; AKD member) has been accepted into the University of California, Irvine, to pursue his Ph.D. in Criminology, Law, and Society.

Congratulations to Isabella Cantu (class of 2022/Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow)!  She completed her MA in the Spring quarter of 2024.  This accomplishment is one of the many milestones along the way to completing a PhD at the University of California at Davis.  Keep at it Isabella!

Erick Herrera (senior) and Gary Williams (class of 2024) were awarded the Sally Casanova Scholars| CSU ( predoctoral scholarship!  The award supports research and travel needs for 2024-2025.  Congratulations Erick and Gary!

Jazmin Mena (class of 2024) was accepted to a MA in Special Education at the University of California, Riverside.