About School Psychology
What is the Educational Specialist Degree (Ed.S.)?
The Educational Specialist Degree program (Ed.S.) in School Psychology is a 60 unit (plus 6 prerequisite units) course of study, including 4 units of practicum and 6 units of fieldwork, that prepares individuals to receive a California Pupil Personnel Services credential in school psychology, and offers those who complete the program an Educational Specialist Degree. It is more advanced than a master's degree which is typically based on a minimum of 30 units.
What is the career outlook for school psychologists?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, 2014), school psychologists will have expanding job opportunities through 2022. Compensation across the nation is largely dependent on the geographical location of your work site. However, a $71, 320 mean salary for a 200 day contract has been reported (Castillo, Curtis, & Gelley, 2012).
Admissions to CSUSB's School Psychology Program
The School Psychology program takes a holistic approach when evaluating the applications and they look at every required piece of documentation. The faculty is seeking to create the best cohort of students who bring a diverse mix of strengths and experiences.
When submitting your application, be sure to show the program's faculty your strengths (e.g., years of experience in education? Currently working with individuals with exceptional needs? Very high GPA?), and address any weaker areas if possible (e.g., my grades weren’t as strong my first year in college due to x,y,z, but greatly improved once I…)
GRE scores are not required for this program.
3.0 is the minimum GPA required.
Yes, but recognize that you will need to have other aspects of your application packet that are truly exceptional and compensate for the low GPA.
Recommendation from persons having knowledge of the applicant's potential as a school psychologist.
Once the CBEST examination has been passed, it does not need to be taken again since it indefinitely satisfies the basic skills requirement necessary for certification and program enrollment.” (https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/faq/faq-exams)
The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) must be completed before the end of the student's first year of classes.
Yes. Prerequisite classes include one class in Child Development and one class in Statistics. Prerequisite courses need to be completed before entering the program.
Students typically obtain related experience working as: behavioral technicians, ABA therapists, counselors for at-risk populations, substitute teachers, and teachers’ assistants.
In order to accommodate fieldwork in the schools, all classes are held in the evenings from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. There are 3-4 classes per week depending on the semester.
We admit one cohort per year, consisting of about 25-30 students. The admission rate changes annually with the number of applications received.
No. Our students come from a variety of educational backgrounds. The vast majority have degrees in psychology, human or child development, sociology, or education. However, we have had very successful students complete the program with a wide variety of undergraduate areas of study. If your academic background is in a completely different field (e.g., Chemistry), we strongly recommend that you complete some additional college level coursework in general psychology, child development, and/or education.
Oftentimes graduate courses in related fields do apply, and one or more courses may be waived. You must apply to the program in the standard application cycle. If you are admitted to the program then the faculty will work with you to create an individual learning plan. This will include a thorough review of all your prior graduate training records
Internship Requirements for the School Psychology Program
Students are responsible for seeking-out and acquiring their 1200 hour field based internships and all internship sites are approved by the program coordinator. Internships within California are typically paid; although the stipend varies depending on location. It is not guaranteed that students will find paid internships. Paid internships are highly competitive and positions are filled very quickly.
Yes. Program graduates earn a school psychology credential to practice in California. Those who wish to work in other states must contact the other state’s department of education, share that they have a California credential, and request to be credentialed in that state.
Other Inquiries
The standard progression through the Ed.s program requires three years: two years of full-time study and practicum field placements, plus a full-time (minimum 1200 hour) internship in the third year.
Basic Skills Requirement/CBEST
Per the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) licensing requirements all California Prepared Educators must complete the Basic Skills Requirement by passage of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) or meet the requirement using an approved alternative prior to recommendation of the Pupil Personnel Services Credential. If a student admitted to the program fails to pass the CBEST, candidates will receive appropriate academic assistance necessary to pass the examination. Reference: Education Code Sections 44252 (f) and 44225 (n). For additional information about the Basic Skills Requirement and ways to satisfy the requirement, please visit http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/cl667.pdf. For additional information, please see Basic Skills Requirement for School Psychology.
Students must obtain a Certificate of Clearance prior to completing any fieldwork assignments. Certificates of Clearance are issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to credential program candidates. Title 5 regulations require that an application for Certificate of Clearance be filed to determine whether or not a candidate meets the state standards for character and fitness to be an educator in California's public schools. Students who currently hold a credential in California are exempt from this requirement. However, proof of holding a current credential is required.
Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain in good standing in the program. Failure to do so may place the student on academic probation. Students must earn passing grades in all courses.
To receive national certification under the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) standards (I.e., to become a Nationally Certified School Psychologist or NCSP), a student must pass the praxis exam. This is also a graduation requirement of our program, and is typically taken during the final year of study. Please see their site for more detailed information about the test.
California State University of San Bernardino provides a variety of scholarships for students. Applicants need only to complete the on-line scholarship application once to be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible. CSUSB Scholarship Criteria: https://bulletin.csusb.edu/financial-information/#scholarships text. For further information, contact the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships Hotline at (909) 537-7399 or visit the Scholarship website.
There are a variety of Awards, Scholarships, and Grants available outside of CSUSB. Please refer to the organization's website for more information on application deadlines and application requirements.
Tuition is set annually by the university. The tuition and fee schedule can be found at Tuition and Fees.
Rates Information on general costs of attendance can be found at http://financialaid.csusb.edu/apply/cost_grad.html.
Note that these are merely estimates and will depend on each individual’s situation.