Special museum parking is available in Lot M (see campus map). Museum parking permits must be purchased through the ParkMobile App, please be prepared and have a profile with Parkmobile created or be ready to download it onto your phone. General campus parking permits ARE NOT VALID in museum parking spaces.
Museum Parking Permit Rates through ParkMobile:
- $8 - 1 hour weekday
- $10 – All day weekday
General campus parking permits are available at the Parking Permit Dispensers located throughout campus and at the Information Center at the main entrance to campus. General campus parking permits are not valid in Lot M on weekdays before 5:30 p.m.
Handicapped parking is available in Lot M with a valid handicapped permit AND a campus parking permit.
If you have any questions regarding parking, please contact the Museum front desk at (909) 537-7373.