What is RAISE?
RAISE stands for Retention and Achievement for Introductory STEM English Learners. The goal is to improve student retention in introductory courses for STEM majors at California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB). We address challenges our students (including English learners, or ELs) face in STEM-specific academic language, but frame multilingual identities and skills as important STEM assets to be supported and celebrated. The project transforms our institution by asking academic and student support units to work in new collaborative ways to support student success, including in the classroom, in co-curricular activities, and in institutional research approaches to strategic planning, by focusing specifically on academic language challenges.
What are the specific project objectives?
In the course of 5 years there is a plan to meet 4 main objectives.
Objective 1. Establish a community of learning of faculty and staff around STEM academic language challenges and evidence-based interventions.
Objective 2. Develop and implement best practices for collecting institutional data on ELs in higher education.
Objective 3. Design and implement evidence-based interventions targeting academic language challenges in STEM programs.
Objective 4. Research student and faculty engagement in STEM academic language.
K12 Teacher Participant FAQs
How do I receive compensation? -Participant Payment Stipend
Stipends are for collaborative visits between the CSUSB & K12 participants. To receive your stipend please fill out the required forms: W-9 Taxpayer Identification Form & Stipend Request Form
The forms can be accessed and submitted via Adobe E-Sign here:
Participants are required to fill out both forms. If you are a returning participant within the same calendar year, only the stipend request is required.
If you need overtime stipends please contact the Program Coordinator
K12 District Reimbursement
Districts will also be reimbursed for substitutes that will be used to cover classrooms. Please send a list of the substitutes names and the dates they were utilized.
When sending an invoice must include list of substitute’s names and the dates that subs were utilized. Invoices should be made out to UEC at CSUSB and then attention (ATTN:) to Project RAISE
Sponsored Programs Administration Contact:
Office: (909) 537-5929
Fax: (909) 537-7028
Email: SPA_Expenses@csusb.edu
When submitting invoices via email, please CC the Program Coordinator
For More info on the Sponsor Program Administration:
For any other questions, please contact the Program Coordinator