Model lessons are currently available for teachers in Grades 1 through 5. Each set of lessons is specifically tied to one of the California History-Social Science Standards and many of the lessons are tied to the Common Core Curriculum Standards.
Good news for Kindergarten to Grade 2 teachers. New curriculum guides are now available that are designed to provide activities to help students master the common core state standards for reading and language arts while they are learning history-science content. All the materials needed for the activities are included in each guide.
The curriculum guides, created by Dr. Priscilla H. Porter, are available on www.amazon.com. If you are a prime member, there is no charge for shipping. The introductory price for the guides range from $3.95 to $4.25. The next books in the grade level-specific series will be released later this year. To hear about the latest books first, sign up for the exclusive New Release Mailing List by sending an email to prisporter@aol.com. Let her know your grade level of interest.
The curricular units have been developed and field-tested by classroom teachers in conjunction with Dr. Priscilla Porter, the Project Director and co-author.
The model lessons on this website are available in PDF format with one unit for each of the California History-Social Science standards. For more information and to access the Model Lessons select one of the tabs on the side column.