The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly to approve the agenda for the Board of Directors. The committee will provide oversight of the Philanthropic Foundation budget and operations. It may also review all standing committee recommendations and determine if they should move forward to the full board. The Executive Committee is expected to deliberate on and resolve emergency matters. It will also oversee matters not assigned to other standing committees. The officers of the corporation, Immediate Past Chair, ex-officio members, CSUSB Alumni Association Board President, and the Chairs of the Investment, Audit, Advocacy, and Philanthropy committees, shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint additional Executive Committee members as they deem appropriate. Associated Students Inc. may appoint alternate committee members to serve in the absence of a regularly elected Associated Students Inc. member. A quorum shall consist of five (5) committee members. Decisions shall require approval of a minimum of five (5) members of the committee.
Executive Committee members shall serve no more than two two-year terms or until their successor is appointed. Time served as an executive committee member will not count towards board member terms of service.
William M. Stevenson '84 (Bill)
Chair, CSUSB Philanthropic Foundation
Monica Alejandre, Ed.D., '02, '07, '21
Secretary, CSUSB Philanthropic Foundation (Ex-Officio)
Associate Vice President, Advancement Operations
California State University, San Bernardino
David Dufault-Hunter, Ph.D.
Vice President, Strategic Enrollment Management and Marketing (Ex-Officio)
California State University, San Bernardino
Carson Fajardo
President & Chair, Associated Students Incorporated
California State University, San Bernardino
Ex-Officio Student Representative
Roderick Hendry '83, '85 (Rod)
Financial Advisor, RJFS
Chair, Philanthropy Committee
Cole R. Jackson
Partner, Reiss, Jackson & Jamison, LLP
Chair, Audit Committee
Nefertiti Long (Nef)
Chief Operating Officer, Alta Loma Enterprises
Vice Chair, CSUSB Philanthropic Foundation
Gary McBride '94, '08
Strategic Projects Director, County of San Bernardino
Chair, Investment Committee
Rafik Mohamed, Ph.D.
Provost & VP, Academic Affairs (Ex-Officio)
California State University, San Bernardino
Louis G. Monville, III '94, '17 (Lou)
Senior Vice President, Raincross Hospitality Corporation
Chair, Advocacy Committee
Tomás D. Morales, Ph.D.
President, CSUSB Philanthropic Foundation (Ex-Officio)
President, California State University, San Bernardino
Robert J. Nava
Executive Director, CSUSB Philanthropic Foundation (Ex-Officio)
Vice President, University Advancement
California State University, San Bernardino
Paz Olivérez, Ph.D.
Vice President, Student Affairs (Ex-Officio)
California State University, San Bernardino
Robin Phillips
Vice President, Human Resources (Ex-Officio)
California State University, San Bernardino
Shanthi Srinivas, Ph.D.
Former Interim Dean, CSUSB Jack H. Brown College of
Business and Public Administration
Chair, Board Membership Committee
Samuel Sudhakar, Ph.D.
Chief Financial Officer & Vice President, Finance, Technology and Operations (Ex-Officio)
California State University, San Bernardino
Steve Vivian '00
Vice President Finance, Nissin Foods
President, CSUSB Alumni Association Board