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Internship Opportunities

Students interested in pursuing internships should first speak with the Chair or any full-time faculty member in the Department. Internships can usually be arranged with organizations and companies off campus. Most internships are unpaid.  Each unit of credit for an internship requires 30 hours of work at the internship site over the course of the quarter.  Students can earn between 2 and 5 units of internship credit in one quarter.  Please note that these internship opportunities are provided only for CSUSB students. For all internships, students must complete an internship application form in consultation with a faculty member from the Anthropology Department. 

Social & Cultural Anthropology Internships

Applied social and cultural anthropology internships can be found in a variety of fields. Opportunities are available in education, business, criminal justice, law, non-profit and cause-oriented organizations, industry, social services, healthcare, and other fields.

Students can explore their future career opportunities by doing an internship with an organization or institution in which they would like to work. The process of developing an appropriate internship begins by asking you, the CSUSB student, what is it that you really want to do after graduation? While each of you brings something uniquely different to the table in terms of your own skills and interests, anthropology students, in general, have excellent writing, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural communication skills, which makes them quick to learn new skills at the internship site.

Interested students are invited to meet with their faculty advisor to develop an internship opportunity that is right for them. They also are invited to make use of on-campus services, resources, and events available to them through the Career Development Center.


Archaeology and Cultural Resource Management Internships

Numerous career opportunities exist in the Inland Empire for students with a keen interest in archaeology and the preservation of cultural heritage.  With a BA in Anthropology and, in particular, successful completion of an archaeological field school, our graduates can seek employment with private companies that undertake archaeological, CRM, and environmental impact and mitigation work in advance of development projects.  There are also opportunities to work with federal, state, and local agencies that manage archaeological and cultural resources.  The best way to get a foot in the door is through successful completion of an internship.  For help in finding such an internship, CSUSB Anthropology majors with real enthusiasm for archaeology should contact Dr. Guy Hepp (office: SB-302E; email:

Museum Internships

Many career opportunities exist in the world of museums.  Valuable hands-on experience can be obtained by volunteering in our Museum of Anthropology and by pursuing museum internships both on and off campus.  For further information, please contact Dr. Ari Huhn, our Anthropology Museum Director (office: SB-309; email: Visit the Get Involved With the Museum page for more information.
