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Archaeological Laboratories

Archaeological Laboratory

The archaeological laboratory housed on the main floor of the Anthropology Department provides a space for students to store and conduct analysis on collections gathered as part of their research. The space is equipped with basic sorting equipment as well as microscopes and a thin section machine.

Photogrammetry/Artifact Photography Laboratory

The photogrammetry lab is one of a suite of laboratories offered to CSU students interested in digital fabrication. Housed on the main floor of the Anthropology Department, this lab offers photogrammetry equipment and software for creating 3D models of cultural material. The lab also has an artifact photography set-up and software so students can learn how to take report quality artifact photos and manipulate those photos in Adobe Photoshop.

For students interested in 3D scanning and printing, CSUSB has 3D scanners and 3D printers available in various locations around campus.

Processing Laboratory

Facilities for wet screening and flotation processing archaeological samples is available for student use. This large warehouse type space is located on the CSUSB campus and is equipment with a double basin sink with sediment trap for wet screening archaeological samples and drying screens for laying out material to dry. Flotation processing can also be accomplished in this wet lab space with use of CSUSB flotation processing equipment.
