The Future of Transportation Funding – Gas Tax, Per Mile Fees and Other Ideas
The Issue
Traditionally, motor fuel taxes have been the primary source of funding for transportation projects in California and throughout the US. In 2017, California legislature approved SB-1, the first motor fuel tax increase in California in 23 years. SB-1 will provide an additional $54 billion for both state and local transportation projects statewide. Proposition 6 on the November ballot threatens to repeal SB-1 and eliminate this boost to transportation funding. Regardless of recent increases, long term failure to increase fuel taxes to keep pace with inflation, increased vehicle fuel economy, and an increase in electric and alternative fuel vehicles which pay no fuel taxes have dramatically reduced the ability of fuel taxes to keep pace with demand for transportation funding. California has led the nation in implementing alternative funding mechanisms for transportation. 24 of California’s 58 counties, representing 88% of California’s population, have enacted local tax measures to help fund transportation projects. In addition to local tax measures, the nine bay area counties have voted to enact bridge toll surcharges to fund regional transportation improvements.
In 2017, California completed the largest pilot study ever conducted of Road User Charging or Mileage Based User Fees, where motorists pay a per-mile fee regardless of fuel consumption. Where do we go from here? What is the future of transportation funding in California? What if SB-1 is repealed? Come hear State and local experts discuss where we go from here to find new and innovative ways to fund our transportation needs in the Inland Empire and beyond.
New Event Location
The September 11th Dialogue Seires will be hosted at the Loma Linda San Manuel Gateway College. San Manuel Gateway College is located off of W. Mills Street off the 215 Freeway at 250 S. G. Street, San Bernardino CA, 92450.
Click here for directions to the Loma Linda San Manuel Gateway College:
Directions to Loma Linda San Manuel Gateway College
Guest Speakers
Jim Madaffer, President & CEO, Madaffer Enterprises, Commissioner, California Transportation Commission

A native San Diegan, Jim’s civic service spans over three decades. He served two terms as Chief of Staff to a City Councilmember and was elected to the San Diego City Council in 2000 and reelected in 2004.
Jim’s accomplishments as an elected official are numerous: building libraries, fostering economic development, water and waste water policy and specializing in regional transportation and planning issues. Jim is also Past President of the League of California Cities.
In 2014, Jim was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown to the California Transportation Commission and he chairs CTC’s Road Charge Task Force which is tasked to create a program that might eventually replace the gasoline tax. Jim is also board chair of the San Diego County Water Authority and a honorary director of the Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation.
The recipient of numerous awards and honors over his career, Jim is a member of San Diego Rotary Club 33, and Lambda Alpha International.
A published author, self-described futurist and serial entrepreneur, Jim speaks frequently to groups, conferences and organizations around the world about the future of transportation, technology innovation and numerous leading edge technologies.
Jim has two sons in college. He and his wife Robin live in the San Diego with their two English Bulldogs, Ruby and Red
Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Ph.D., Director and Professor San Jose State University Mineta Transportation Institute, National Transportation Finance Center

Dr. Asha Weinstein Agrawal, is a Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at San José State University and Director of Mineta Transportation Institute's (MTI) National Transportation Finance Center (also at SJSU). Her research agenda is guided by a commitment to the principles of sustainability and equity: what planning and policy tools can communities adopt to encourage environmentally-friendly travel and improve accessibility for people struggling with poverty or other disadvantages?
She has explored this question most deeply through two substantive areas, transportation finance policy and the travel behavior of pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. Dr. Agrawal also works in the area of urban history and is currently Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Transportation History. Dr. Agrawal is actively involved with service to the professional planning and policy community. For example, she has served on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's Regional Means-Based Transit Fare Pricing Study Technical Advisory Committee, Santa Clara County's Traffic Safe Communities Network Steering Committee, and the Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Authority's Pedestrian Access to Transit Task Force.
Dr. Agrawal earned a B.A. from Harvard University in Folklore and Mythology, an M.Sc. from the London School of Economics and Political Science in Urban and Regional Planning, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in City and Regional Planning.
Will Kempton, Statewide expert on transportation finance, Former Executive Director, California Transportation Commission

Will Kempton is a transportation innovator and manager. Mr. Kempton, recently retired after more than 43 years of experience in transportation, public service and government affairs. Mr. Kempton most recently served as Executive Director of Transportation California, an industry‐based transportation advocacy group dedicated to the advancement of California’s transportation program. Transportation California has worked for years to increase funding for the state’s ailing transportation infrastructure and was a leader in the effort to pass Senate Bill 1 which was approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in early 2017.
Prior to his latest stint with Transportation California, Mr. Kempton served as Executive Director of the California Transportation Commission (CTC), responsible for advising and assisting the Legislature and the Administration in the development of transportation policies and plans for California, initiating and developing state and federal legislation to secure funding for the state’s transportation needs and facilitating the programming and allocation of funds for highway, passenger rail, transit and active transportation improvements throughout California. Mr. Kempton also previously served as CEO of the Orange County Transportation Authority and as the Director of CalTrans.