Notification Process Draft: System Maintenance
1) Low impact events, localized area impact that does not directly impact instruction
- Campus Techs should have a shared calendar in which planned system maintenance is listed.
- An example could be systems who’s outage only affects a local area
2) Medium impact events (8x5 Notification)
- Notification should be sent via email and posted on the calendar for medium impact events. For the system under maintenance advance notice on the system should be provided if possible.
- An example of a medium impact event is system maintenance that effects a subset of the community but does not adversely affect instruction or work of the whole campus.
3) High impact events (24x7 Notification)
- Notification should be sent via email, calendar posting, and posting on different information systems with sufficient notification that faculty/staff can adjust instruction as needed.
- Will impact instruction or major administrative systems during regular business hours or will affect campus wide systems.