CSUSB’s Office of Student Research is collaborating with Riverside City College for the recently funded National Science Foundation grant project, STEM en familia: Guiding Critical Transitions to the Baccalaureate.

The Memorandum of Understanding between CSUSB and Riverside City College, and a similar agreement between Cal State Fullerton and RCC, are part of the California Tri-County Concurrent Enrollment Program.

Sastry Pantula will be a featured speaker at the Feb. 1 launching webcast of the California State University’s STEM NET, an affinity group dedicated to harnessing the power of the CSU’s 23 campuses.

Tony Coulson (CSUSB Cybersecurity Center) discussed cybersecurity career opportunities in the Coachella Valley, and Barbara Sirotnik (Institute for Applied Sciences) commented on the latest Purchasing Managers Index report.

Led by Professor Tony Coulson, the CSUSB cybersecurity program continues to grow and expand, creating incredible programs that offer exciting opportunities for students to excel as emerging leaders in the cyber field.