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Faculty Research Series

Wagner Prado
May 11, 2021

Editor’s note: This is part of a series of profiles of faculty and their research by Montgomery Van Wart, a professor of public administration and a CSUSB Faculty Research Fellow in Faculty Affairs and Development. In this article, he features Wagner Prado, assistant professor of kinesiology, who has consistently shown he has what it takes to make him a high-quality senior scholar. 

Ghulam Sarwar
April 13, 2021

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of profiles of faculty and their research by Montgomery Van Wart, a professor of public administration and a CSUSB Faculty Research Fellow in Faculty Affairs and Development. In this article, he features Department of Accounting & Finance Scholar professor Ghulam Sarwar, who has consistently shown he has what it takes to make him a high-quality senior scholar.