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School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Criminal justice education illustration
April 21, 2022

The two separate rankings of the online criminal justice BA program and the online criminal justice MA program are the latest recognitions of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice’s work.

art sculpture, faculty in the news
April 11, 2022

Keith Brockie (adjunct, art) is the 2022 California League of Schools’ State High School Educator of the Year, Daniel MacDonald (economics) discusses the rise in mortgage interest rates, Brian Levin (criminal justice) comments on a sentencing in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, and Darren Goodman (adjunct, criminal justice) is named chief of the San Bernardino Police Department.

SBS building, Faculty in the News
March 28, 2022

Leslie Leighton (music) was interviewed about being named the principal guest conductor of the San Bernardino Symphony, Manuel Bustamante Jr. (lecture, criminal justice) was appointed to the Riverside County Superior Court bench, and work by Brian Levin (criminal justice) and the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism was cited in an article about the increase in anti-Asian violence in New York City.

Scales of Justice illustration.
October 18, 2021

“The new school designation will raise our status and may offer greater appeal to federal agencies, foundations, and philanthropic organizations seeking to support university and community partnerships focused on improving relationships and developing innovative strategies to address public safety concerns,” said Andrea Schoepfer, the school’s director.