The lecture series launches its spring semester talks with a presentation by Debora Perez Torres, assistant professor of communication studies, on Feb. 12. Also scheduled are presentations by Michelle Russen (marketing), Yolonda Youngs (geography) and Hannah Kivalahula-Uddin (education). All talks are free and open to the public.

The film explores the genesis of the exploitation of Native American culture. There will be a screening and panel discussion on Nov. 2 at noon to 3 p.m. in the SMSU Theater.

One of the highlights in a long list of exciting events this month includes a closing ceremony on Nov. 29, featuring James Ramos, CSUSB alumnus and the first California-born Native American elected to the state Assembly.

Before coming to CSUSB in 2019, Hannah Kivalahula-Uddin (Puyallup) earned a Ph.D. in educational psychology, three master’s degrees in education, and worked for 20 years in P-12 Indian Education with the Puyallup Tribe’s Chief Leschi Schools in Puyallup, Wash.

State Sen. Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino) served as the keynote speaker at CSUSB’s 2020 Womxn’s Leadership Conference on May 22, where she offered words of encouragement, advice and personal anecdotes.

The conference, with the theme “The Future is Female: 100 Years of Voices,” will be held virtually Friday, May 22, and will feature a keynote from Senator Leyva, panel discussion and breakout sessions.