Zachary Powell (criminal justice), Marc Robinson (history), Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news coverage in areas of their expertise.
Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences), Meredith Conroy (political science), David Yaghoubian (history) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in news coverage over the Labor Day weekend.
Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the state of the region’s economy, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was quoted in an article about an act of kindness for a victim of an anti-Asian hate crime.
Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote on the individual’s responsibility to end racism, Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision science) will be a panelist at the Inland Empire Economic Partnership’s State of the Region event, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) commented on the latest QAnon myth targeting China and Jewish people.
Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) commented on the future of a post-pandemic economy, Pamela Medina (public administration) wrote about the challenges academics face as a result of the pandemic, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the increase in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans.
Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the region’s growing economy during the pandemic, Marc Robinson (history) was interviewed about the upcoming “Route 66 Women” program, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) continued to be a resource for the news media regarding the increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans.
Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the latest Inland Empire’s Purchasing Managers Index and what it means to the region’s economy.
Thomas Pierce (economics, emeritus), James Fenelon (sociology), Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences), Brian Levin (criminal justice), David Yaghoubian (history) and Anthony Silard (public administration) were included in recent news coverage on a variety of topics.
Barbara Sirotnik (statistics, business analytics, and supply chain management) discussed the High Desert Survey and the region’s economy, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed on a wide range of topics related to extremist groups.