Sanders McDougall (psychology), David Yaghoubian (history) and Jessica Getman (music) were included in news coverage over the holiday weekend.

David Yaghoubian (history) discussed the possibility of the U.S. re-entering the multi-national agreement regulating Iran's nuclear program, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was quoted about the latest FBI hate crime report.

Laura Woodney (physics and astronomy) discusses the findings of a team she led regarding centaurs, icy bodies flying through space, and David Yaghoubian (history) was interviewed about the Iranian foreign minister’s comments regarding the U.S. presidential election.

David Yaghoubian (history) was interviewed for a segment discussing Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif’s comment that U.S. sanctions against his country amount to “medical terrorism.”

Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences), Terri Nelson (world languages and literatures), Mike Stull (entrepreneurship), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and David Yaghoubian (history) were included in recent news coverage.

Kevin Grisham (geography and environmental studies), Meredith Conroy (political science), Janet Kottke (psychology), Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) and David Yaghoubian (history) were included in recent news coverage.

David Yaghoubian (history), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in recent news coverage.

Kevin Grisham (geography and environmental studies), David Yaghoubian (history), James Estes (finance) and Anthony Silard were included in recent news coverage of various topics.

Kate Liszka and David Yaghoubian (history), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Anthony Silard (public administration) were included in recent news coverage.