More than 3,600 students participated in four graduation ceremonies held at Toyota Arena on June 15.
Cal State San Bernardino has been named a recipient of a 2019 Educational Fundraising Award for its exceptional fundraising programs by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).
In the latest edition, read about the ways CSUSB is enriching the academic experience for Native American students, their tribes and the overall university community.
Tomás D. Morales formally received the award on June 12 for “his outstanding leadership in higher education, spearheading the effort to cultivate our nation's future leaders from K-12 through college,” said AAAED President Richard Anthony Baker.
The colleges of Social and Behavioral Sciences (8 a.m.) Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration (noon), College of Natural Sciences (4 p.m.), and Arts and Letters and Education (8 p.m.) will honor the Class of 2019 on Saturday.
Super Sunday is part of the CSU African American Initiative, which seeks to increase the college preparation, enrollment and graduation rates of African American students.
CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales encourages students and their parents to begin early to prepare for college during annual CSU Super Sunday presentation.
Club officers cited President Tomás D. Morales’ ongoing support and for attending its Chinese New Year celebration.
The MBA program was designed to prepare students for positions of responsibility and leadership in business administration, emphasizing conceptual knowledge and practical skills.