Guillermo Escalante (kinesiology) was a guest on a program focusing on professional bodybuilding, and Yunfei Hou, Amir Ghasemkhani (computer science and engineering), Hani Aldirawi (mathematics), Miranda McIntyre (psychology) and Montgomery Van Wart (public administration) collaborated on research about STEM students’ perceptions of online classes.
Recent news media coverage highlighted the expertise of Vincent Nestler (information and decision sciences), Stuart Sumida (biology), Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), Katherine Gray (art) and Brian Levin (criminal justice).
In spite the number of strongmen dictators around the world, there is political leadership that embodies civility and compassion, such as that exhibited by New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern, according to a study by Montgomery Van Wart, CSUSB professor of public administration.
Gölge Seferoğlu, associate professor of teacher education and foundations, uses a variety of research designs to learn about the complex processes of second-language learning.
Brian Levin (criminal justice), Tony Coulson (information decision sciences), Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) and David Yaghoubian (history), and Matthew Des Lauriers (anthropology) were included in recent news coverage in areas of their expertise.
Anthropology associate professor Matthew Des Lauriers takes a holistic approach to research that involves experimental, field and qualitative research.
Anna Ni, associate dean of the Jack H. Brown College is an ambidextrous administrator – her work as a researcher has increased since becoming associate dean.
Eun-ok Baek, a professor of education leadership and technology, has done extensive research in the area of online learning and the future of potentialities of instructional technology.
David Carlson, chair of the CSUSB English department, focuses on interdisciplinary research integrating the fields of indigenous culture, law and literature.