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California State University

July 25, 2019

Edward Gomez (art and design), David Catanzarite (theatre arts, Palm Desert Campus), Bradford Owen (communication studies) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) are mentioned in news coverage on various topics.

July 8, 2019

CSUSB joins the Age-Friendly University Global Network, a group of universities around the world committed to meeting and serving the needs of older adults.

June 17, 2019

Lana Kaissi and Jess Laird each received master’s degrees in social work from the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and master’s degrees in public administration from the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration.

June 12, 2019

Concepcion Barajas will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She is not the only member of her family to attend college these past few years; three out of four of her children also attended other CSUs at the same time.

temp news release
February 6, 2017

Super Sunday is part of the CSU African American Initiative, which seeks to increase the college preparation, enrollment and graduation rates of African American students.

temp news release
February 27, 2017

CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales encourages students and their parents to begin early to prepare for college during annual CSU Super Sunday presentation.

Yotie Talks flier
March 30, 2017

“The Conduits and Barriers to Reentry for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals in San Bernardino” will be presented by Annika Yvette Anderson, assistant professor of sociology at CSUSB.

temp news release
April 7, 2017

University representatives joined other CSU delegates for “Hill Day,” touting the achievement of CSU students.

April 10, 2017

At $55 million and 71,000 square feet over three floors, the CGI will be the home for all instructional needs and administrative operations for the College of Extended Learning.