To support online summer instruction, the university’s John M. Pfau Library will make every attempt to acquire all required e-books and textbooks, if available for institutional purchase with licensing provision.

We are deeply grateful for The Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) decision rejecting the rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for close to 700,000 DACA recipients. However, the Court ruling is based solely on procedural grounds, which means that DACA remains vulnerable.

“Race and Policing,” a student-hosted panel presentation and campus conversation, was the second in a series, and covered issues related to institutional racism and its history, as well as police brutality and campus support resources.

The free camp is a four-day virtual experience with the CSUSB Entrepreneurship program to learn and explore the fundamentals of entrepreneurship from the university’s globally recognized program.

The panel discussion and conversation led by students, with a panel to include students, faculty, staff, administrators and campus guests, will include discussion issues related to institutional racism and history, as well as police brutality and campus support resources.

While their work revolves around the development of a mobile EEG device to monitor the brain activity of astronauts in space, like many NASA innovations, there are spinoff benefits, not just for the students, but the university as well.

The panel discussion and conversation led by students, faculty, staff and guest experts will include issues related to racism, racial violence, police brutality, and their impact on the community.

Xinying Yin (teacher education and foundations) was interviewed about the Verizon Innovative Learning program students’ community contribution and Barbara Sirotnik (statistics and business analytics) discussed the state of Inland Empire businesses.

The CSUSB Palm Desert Campus provides its students the tools they need for professional success.