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June 22, 2017

Several donors visited the Cal State San Bernardino campus June 21 to attend a ceremony thanking them for their support of 20 CSUSB students who will be studying abroad in Mexico City this summer.

image of California Teachers Summit
June 29, 2017

CSUSB and the Palm Desert Campus are two of the venues for the statewide summit on July 28 that will bring together educators from all over California for a day of learning led by teachers, for teachers.

2nd annual Educators Conference
July 10, 2017

During the three-day conference, educators will explore what impacts students, how outside factors impact students and what they can do to impact students’ lives.

California Teachers Summit
July 13, 2017

The free, all-day teachers summit will feature Jill Biden as the keynote speaker. The event is open to all California educators.