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January 8, 2024

Cal State San Bernardino’s Center for Aging has received a $747,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health. The money will pay for research that will help determine if social activities can reduce cognitive decline and dementia among older...

January 8, 2024

There are mixed signals in the latest pulse of the Inland Empire’s economy.
The Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) shows the local economy was no longer growing in December and employment is down. Yet the Institute of Applied Research (IAR) at Cal...

January 8, 2024

Megan Carroll, assistant professor of sociology at CSUSB, was interviewed for an article about new research on asexuality that shows why it’s so important for doctors and therapists to distinguish between episodes of low libido and a consistent lack...

January 8, 2024

San Diego experienced an increase in hate crimes from 2022 to 2023 – a 47% increase to 54 cases – according to a preliminary report by CSUSB’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. The spike is a stark difference from the previous year's report...

January 4, 2024

New Cal State San Bernardino men’s basketball coach Gus Argenal said he brings two things with him from his time as an assistant at Arkansas: a defense-first mentality and a campus motto.
“At Arkansas, that was considered the campus of champions,”...

January 4, 2024

Peter Cruz, a resident of La Habra and currently working on his Master’s in Public Administration at California State University, San Bernardino, wrote an op-ed on La Habra’s former in-town bus route, “and with the increase of infill housing and new...

January 3, 2024

Dec. 28, 2023
Ahlam Muhtaseb, a professor of media studies at CSU San Bernardino, co-chair of the California Faculty Association’s Palestine, Arab and Muslim Caucus, was one of the featured speakers at the end of a Dec. 23 protest in front of the...

January 3, 2024

Jan. 3, 2024
Brian Levin, founding director of Cal State San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, was interviewed for a segment about bomb threats being emailed to synagogues throughout the state. Levin said it follows a record...

January 2, 2024

Cal State San Bernardino and NIMS University in India have agreed to promote academic cooperation between the two schools. Officials from both universities signed a memorandum of understanding on Dec. 6 during a ceremony on the Cal State San...

January 2, 2024

Mayra Barragan-O’Brien, who earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and then a master’s in counseling psychology from Cal State San Bernardino, was one of the people interviewed for an article about a program that trains undocumented residents to...

January 2, 2024

Michael Griggs, who is pursuing a master’s in social work at Cal State San Bernardino, was interviewed for an article about a new law that makes it easier for the formerly incarcerated to find housing. “People want to move forward with their life,”...

January 2, 2024

California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) Palm Desert Campus is implementing an important class that teaches things not learned in books: intergenerational communication.
The national program, called Sages and Seekers, brings seniors (sages)...