NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at  

‘Juneteenth isn’t just an Independence Day for Black people:’ A look behind the holiday
Real Change
June 19-25, 2024

Marc Robinson, an associate professor of history at California State University, San Bernardino, was interviewed for an article about Juneteenth and the history of Black people in the U.S. Robinson, author of  “Washington State Rising: Black Power on Campus in the Pacific Northwest,” grew up in Seattle and said the narrative that only the South had a race problem is flawed: it minimizes the racism prevalent in Washington and the rest of the country.

Once a rallying cry, 'radical Islamic terrorism' fades from Trump rhetoric
VOA News
June 25, 2024

Brian Levin, founding director of CSUSB’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism who has closely followed Donald Trump's rhetoric, said the former president — "more of an opportunist than an ideologue" — is zeroing in on issues that resonate with voters.

"Eight years ago, when the threat of foreign-inspired extremism polled among the top concerns of voters, Trump successfully invoked terror attacks … to drum up support," Levin said. "Today, however, Trump has to pivot somewhat to domestic issues relating to the economy, democracy, crime and the border as well as the record of an incumbent he hopes to unseat."

New York, Colorado and Utah primaries 2024: Bowman loses, Boebert wins
ABC News/538
June 25, 2024

Meredith Conroy, CSUSB professor of political science and a contributor to 538, joined fellow contributors and staff of the political news site in a liveblog offering as-it-happens analysis of June 24 primary elections in Colorado, New York, Utah and parts of South Carolina. Among the topics Conroy commented on, she tracked how women candidates did.

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”