NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at  

CSUSB history professor shares expertise on U.S. Civil War
Addressing Gettysburg
June 20, 2024

Ryan Keating, CSUSB department chair and professor of history, was interviewed on the Addressing Gettysburg podcast to talk about the role of the Irish in the U.S. Civil War, among other related topics.

In addition, he presented the Gabor Borrit Address at the 2024 Civil War Institute Summer Conference at Gettysburg College, which took place June 7-12.

Anti-Muslim hate groups in US surge back into spotlight
VOA News
June 13, 2024

Brian Levin, founding director of CSUSB’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, was interviewed for an article about the increase in hate crimes targeting Muslims. Levin noted that anti-Muslim hate crimes have surged in recent years, even as the number of hate groups has dwindled.

That's because hatred has found a new home in the mainstream, rendering niche groups such as Islamophobic outfits increasingly obsolete, he said.

"The bottom line is, the way we associate to express and amplify hatred has changed," Levin said in an interview with VOA. "Up-and-coming bigots of all sorts will find an array of xenophobic bigotry and conspiracism within general mainstream platforms."

CSUSB professor to lead narrative practice workshop on remembering and grief work
Stay Happening

Lorraine Hedtke, CSUSB professor of special education rehabilitation and counseling who teaches about death, dying and bereavement throughout the U.S. and internationally, will be the featured trainer at a two-day workshop, “Creating Stories of Love and Resilience in the Face of Death and Grief,” at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Aug. 31-Sept. 1.

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”