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CSUSB professor comments on U.S. Senate’s failure to overturn veto limiting Trump’s war powers on Iran
Press TV
May 8, 2020

David Yaghoubian, CSUSB professor of history, discussed the U.S. Senate’s failure to override President Donald Trump’s veto of a bipartisan resolution on May 7 that asserted Congress’ authority on the president’s power to wage war against Iran.

Yaghoubian said there is a history of tension between U.S. legislative and executive branches over the use of military force. “But unfortunately, a sickness in American society has really taken over our political discourse,” he said. “And that sickness is just ardent partisanship, 24/7, no matter what issue and no matter how pressing, or, say, dangerous of an issue, such as taking the United States into a war based on lies that does not serve its interests that is being discussed.”

The override attempt was defeated with 49 senators voting in favor of the override and 44 opposed. The measure needed two-thirds support to be approved.

Members of Congress from both parties expressed concern after the U.S. launched an airstrike that killed a top Iranian general in Iraq in January. Lawmakers said they feared that Iran and the U.S. were perilously close to all-out conflict and moved to restrain further actions Trump might take against Iran.

Watch the segment at “US Senate fails to overturn Trump's veto on resolution curbing his war powers on Iran.”

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