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CSUSB cyber leader Coulson: More federal investment needed for cyber education centers
Inside Cybersecurity
April 28, 2020

Congress should dramatically increase the amount of funding going to community colleges and universities as a way to bolster the nation’s cybersecurity research and workforce, according to Tony Coulson, executive director of the cyber center at California State University, San Bernardino.

The Cyberspace Solarium Commission report, released in March, lays out a roadmap for cyber education, which Coulson says provides recommendations for “strategic action and bold action.”

“We’ve seen projects like national cyber ranges, research consortia, training and development centers, and K-12 programs being funded like shiny objects whose funding disappears when a shinier object comes along,” Coulson said during a CSUSB webinar on Monday. He added: “You can’t be strategic with one-year money to close a gap that would take a take a decade to close.”

The webinar also featured Solarium members Rep. James Langevin (D-RI) and Chris Inglis, a former deputy director at the National Security Agency, and Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA), vice chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

The CSUSB Cybersecurity Center is designated as a Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense. The CAE program is a joint initiative between the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

Read the complete article at “Cal State cyber leader Coulson: More federal investment needed for cyber education centers.”

CSUSB professor interviewed about latest in tensions between U.S. and Iran
Press TV
April 28, 2020

David Yaghoubian, CSUSB professor of history, was interviews for a segment that reported on warning the United States and its allies that they will be responsible for any consequences in case of any disruptive or provocative move in the southern Iranian waters. The Trump administration said Iran’s military has been harassing a U.S. warship, which Iran has denied.

In response to a question about Iran stating that it has the right to defend its “territorial integrity,” Yaghoubian said that the nation has “ardently and steadfastly defended its boarders, and the nation of Iran has not attacked another country in aggression – a bordering country or any other country, for that matter, around the world – in almost three centuries, in almost 300 years, longer than there was a United States.”

See the video segment at “Iran warns U.S. against any provocative move in southern waters.”

CSUSB professor writes on Ethiopian Parliament’s response to COVID-19 pandemic
April 27, 2020

In an opinion column, Alemayehu G. Mariam, CSUSB professor of political science, emeritus, wrote: “COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the global health, economic and social system. Two weeks ago, the Ethiopian Parliament passed a law (Proclamation No. 3/2020 ‘State of Emergency Proclamation Enacted to Counter and Control the Spread of COVID-19 and Mitigate Its Impact’) to respond to the looming COVID-19 crisis in Ethiopia. I applaud the Parliament for taking swift action and enacting a narrowly tailored and clearly written proclamation that balances the interests of individual liberty with the necessity of safeguarding public health and safety.”

Read the complete article at “Ethiopia: Desperate times call for extraordinary constitutional measures (Proclamation 3/2020) (Part I).”

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